The Colombian team will arrive this Thursday in Bogota – 2018 Russia World Cup


Those of Pekerman would arrive at 10 o'clock. m. at El Dorado airport. The District prepares the welcome

  Colombia Selection, traveling to Italy



Hector Fabio Zamora / EL TIEMPO


July 4, 2018, 11:43 am.

The Colombian national team will arrive this Thursday at 10:00. m. in Bogotá. The team of José Néstor Pékerman will arrive at El Dorado airport in the morning and will be received by the fans, after the elimination in the round of the 2018 World Cup.

L & 39 District Institute of Recreation and Sports Bogotá allowed a caravan and a reception for players, who will be escorted from the airport to Simón Bolívar Park, where the Colombian team can share with the fans.

Colombia was eliminated from the World Cup by penalties, against England, and there was no possibility of continuing to advance to the next rounds of the World Cup. For this reason, the Selection will arrive this Thursday in Bogota, for which the Mayor badured that they will receive a space, Simón Bolívar, for the celebration and gratitude.


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