The controller has reported irregularities in 23 waterworks projects


In an audit conducted in 18 municipalities and 7 departments of the country the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic found serious problems and irregularities in projects in both urban and rural areas; which invested 39 billion pesos from the resources of the General System of Fees.

By a statement, the entity revealed that the OCAD had approved these projects without complying with all the requirements.

" 65% of the water projects audited are ineffective, due to the fact that they have underused infrastructure, laboratories to monitor the quality of the Water without use, lack of inputs for the operation of treatment plants and lack of training for personnel operating systems ", highlights document .

Main Irregularities Detected

The audit also revealed, as stated in the complaint, that "in 9% of cases, the letter of durability requirement did not was presented and 74% were not .The sustainability plan was delivered, both requirements of mandatory nature.Despite this non-compliance, they were approved to OCAD. was evident that 78% of the projects did not carry out sustainability actions, and did not maintain them, and 78% of the aqueducts did not have sustainability. "

In this conclusion, it It has also been shown that 67% of the projects had properties without property, which the entity describes as disturbing because it generates a great deal of uncertainty about the operation and sustainability of the aqueducts.

"The works were carried out in the factories of collection, processing and distribution without formalization of easements or rights of way and it is not obvious that after the completion of the works, the legal consolidation and / or financial badets be carried out ". ] Similarly, the Controller's Office criticized the fact that "50% of the projects were approved without respect for environmental permits for water collection" as well as evidence of "exposed pipes" , cracks, panels or filters of the sewage treatment plant, clogged grates and entrances with defects in construction. "

Regarding the IRABAM supply risk index (Indicator of treatment, continuity and distribution of drinking water), projects audited, only 17% of them declare information and 83% do not, so that it n & # 39; There is no certainty on the part of entities and operators as to compliance. the standard of water supply in relation to demand; as well as the lack of knowledge of the population about the seriousness of the risk to which they may be exposed.

"It has been found that 66% do not distribute clean water for human consumption on the scale of the index" says the document which also revealed that "only 13% meet the technical specifications of the infrastructure for an adequate operation, in 39% of them the system of capture is inadequate, in 43% the system of treatment and in 35% the system of distribution of water ".

The performance audit was conducted on 23 projects located in Acacias, Granada, Lejanías and 2 in Villavicencio (Meta), Albania, Manaure and 2 in Uribia (Guajira), Fredonia, 2 Santa Rosa de Osos and Titiribí (Antioquia), Mariquita and Venadillo (Tolima), Majagual, Ovejas and 2 to Sucre (Sucre), Buenos Aires and 2 to Totoró (Cauca), and Becerril (Caesar).

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