The controversy between the owners of the lot of space and the neighbors of the property


Upset by the party and the party that generates the lot where once was the building of the Space, in El Poblado. On the one hand, the inhabitants of the property complain about the abandonment and insecurity and, on the other hand, some of the owners denounces the illegal appropriation that the owners neighboring houses made the lot.

it was made from two houses, one of them that of the suspended controller of Antioquia, Sergio Zuluaga – of a mesh fence with l & # 39; 39 electricity, which went from the back of some houses to about 400 meters inland

Although the procedure was notified to Marco Tulio Zapata liquidator of Lérida CDO , construction of the Space, by means of a letter in which he argued the risk of more robberies and the fear of neglect by the lot, the signals of abuse did not waited and instigated that yesterday the same residents removed the enclosure which had cost them about 8 million pesos.

"No they were covered vertically, but spread horizontally, damaging the owners of the lot.And not only the fence, but the planting of trees," he said, adding that he " There is no right that an authority like the controller does something like this, "Zapata says.

Laura Botero wife of Zuluaga and who sent the communication on May 5 to inform him of the enclosure, the abandonment of the place generates a risk for families.

"There were 400 meters that were closed, and the fence was closed because before the communication (in Zapata) there was no answer", he said, adding that what divides the houses is a fence and on the other side the inhabitants of the streets sleep, who consume drugs.

Botero explained that the decision to make the closure was made after knocking on the doors of the owners of the lot of Space, whose Medellín Town Hall has 21 percent, and has no reply.

Last December, a group of men cut off the fence of his house and entered the house by threatening his two young girls with weapons and stealing devices and money. . "This lot could have been abandoned for years and we decided to close down to prevent the place from being a haven for criminals – it was a desperate step to protect our families."

Neither the Mayor's office nor the owners of the lot have been busy for more than three years without any debris, sorry.

In the square there is no surveillance and undergrowth grow. There remains traces of what was Space and it is for many people to be housed there and rodent puppies to grow.

Zapata insisted on his appeal to the Municipal Administration to buy the property, initially valued at about 10 billion pesos and make a public park, as it was once proposed. He said that yesterday afternoon he was going to meet José Nicolás Duque secretary for territorial management to look for departures.

"From the police station they ask me to close it, do the interview, but it's hard for me to badume that with private income," Zapata said.

Duque confirmed the meeting with the liquidator. Today, they will have another meeting and tomorrow, he said, conclusions will be drawn about this

While the situation is clarified, the neighbors of the Space claim a police presence and a fence of the property that provides security. [CDATA[*/!function(h,a,i,c,j,d,g){if(h.fbq){return}j=h.fbq=function(){j.callMethod?j.callMethod.apply(j,arguments):j.queue.push(arguments)};if(!h._fbq){h._fbq=j}j.push=j;j.loaded=!0;j.version=”2.0″;j.queue=[] * / [ad_2]
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