The dance of pregnant woman Paula Andrea Betancur who touched the networks


The husband of Paula Andrea Betancur, Luis Miguel Zabaleta published in his official report Instagram a video in which we see the couple dancing to the rhythm of "Un Poquito", song that he plays Carlos Vives with Diego Torres.

In the recording, you see the couple very in love and enjoying this beautiful scene they are going through, waiting for their great love Fatima. Exreina devotees and the famous dermatologist have not hesitated to send messages of love, affection, respect and admiration.

See also: Paula Andrea Betancur poses half-naked for a renowned photographer.

"So beautiful", "What a beautiful couple", "The most beautiful", "Beautiful the 3", "What a beautiful couple", "God bless you", "Beautiful couple", "God bless this love", such are the comments that Luis Miguel received in the publication.

Zabaleta accompanied the publication with this message:

"We all went to rumba," Luis Miguel said.

In less than 24 hours, the video has reached more than 271 reproductions and more than 1,000 comments.

It must be remembered that at 46, the paisa is about to have her fourth child, fruit of her marriage with dermatologist Luis Miguel Zabaleta.

Do not miss: Paula Andrea Betancur and the tender baby shower of Fatima.

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