The disease that Alejandra Azcárate suffers and has no cure


Actress, model and renowned actress revealed the difficult process that she has suffered for a year and a half. Despite the difficult situation ensures that he has learned to live with her.

Photo taken from @ laazcarateoficial / Instagram

Colombian model, actress and actress Alejandra Azcárate has released the disease from which she suffers a year and a half. In a video published by TvyNovelas magazine, Azcárate revealed that he has vitiligo. The disease consists of the appearance of spots of a lighter color on the skin. They can be white or pink.

The comedian said that at first she did not pay attention, "but I did a biopsy on the edge of the arm and it turned out to be vitiligo . "

as a reaction that presents melanin where all the immunological army bypbades, because yes. Apparently due to stress but I thought this joke did not exist, "said Azcárate.

Dermatological Disease has no cure, also the actress she noticed that she panicked and cried.He also agreed that it cost him to receive the diagnosis of vanity, but after going through this step decided to calm down because " like that I'm not going to die. "

Since then he has been working with a group of experts who also supported him emotionally to accept the effects that continue to appear on his skin

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Another consequence of vitiligo is that it can inject Botox or an aesthetic treatment needing a laser. "The years will come as they come, because unlike most women, I will never be able to cheat, "said Azcárate.

At the end of the video, he says that since he was diagnosed, the process has been learning and that he has also agreed to live with this reality.

"I often wondered how my life would be full of spots and the truth I think nothing would change.It would always be the same."

Azcárate is not the only celebrity to suffer from vitiligo . Winnie Harlow is a Canadian model who was discovered by presenter and model Tyra Banks, through Instagram

Since then, Harlow has led a successful career. In May of this year, she was invited to Met Gala a charity event organized by Anna Wintour, editor of the fashion magazine Vogue .

Harlow has over three million followers on Instagram, where he proudly displays his white spots on his face, knees, arms and feet.

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Photo taken from @winnieharlow – Instagram

It should be noted that the Treatments to treat vitiligo are expensive, some of them painful, and can be slow in their effects. Some people decide to undergo skin transplants. 2% of the world's population suffers from this disease, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

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