The Earth will move more slowly on July 6 | ELESPECTADOR.COM


On July 6, the planet will be as far away from the Sun as possible in 2018, a phenomenon known as aphelion.

The greatest distance between Earth and Sun will be recorded on July 6 at 5 pm : 46 GMT Pixabay

If it was not because we studied it in some kind of science at school, it is likely that it would be completely illogical to admit that the Earth, with us living in the interior, was constantly moving. A movement that, day by day, is imperceptible, but that Friday, July 6 will be slower.

Known as aphelion, Friday the Earth will reach the point where it is. further from the Sun in what its orbit allows. Although it is likely that in the models we made at school we were placing the Earth's circular orbit, the truth is that it is oval, so so the the same distance between the Sun and the Earth does not always exist.

"The aphelion is the point of the Earth's orbit around the Sun where the Earth is the farthest from our star and the perihelion (near the Sun) is just the opposite point, that is to say the point of Earth's orbit in which the Earth is closer to the Sun, "BBC Mundo Nayra Rodríguez Eugenio, an astrophysicist and disseminator of the BBC, told BBC News. 39, Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands. (Read also: The true apocalypse: this would happen if the Earth turned in the opposite direction)

So is that during the aphelion the Earth is about 152 million kilometers from the Sun, during the perihelion the distance is reduced to about 147 millions of kilometers. As a result, the further away the Moon and Sun are, the smaller the movement of the Earth.

Now, if you consider that the Earth travels its orbit for a year, it makes sense that aphelion and perihelion They usually occur on similar dates. The aphelion, which will be given this July 6th, usually occurs between the 2nd and 7th of this month . On the other hand, perihelion – when it is closer to the Sun – occurs in early January. This year 2018 was exactly January 3rd.

Specifically, according to the BBC, "the greatest distance between the Earth and the Sun will be recorded on July 6 at 17:46 GMT, when the planet and its star will meet. at 152,095,566 km. "

This, however is not related to the seasons. " The stations are produced by tilting the axis of rotation of the Earth in relation to the plane and the He describes around the Sun, what we call the ecliptic, "Rodriguez Eugenio told the BBC


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