The Congress President, Ernesto Macias, is once again in the eye of the storm on social networks and this time as part of an intervention that he moderated in an intense debate about political control chaired by Senators Jorge Robledo, Gustavo Petro and Angélica Lozano. tower recent events reported by Noticias Uno and in the Odebrecht case and by the Attorney General of the Nation, Nestor Humberto Martinez.
During the debate, Senator Ernesto Macías wanted to impose an order to challenge the time of intervention of members of Congress. It is the turn of the Prosecutor, who strongly attacked the charges that were brought against him and added more than an hour to his speech. Senator Robledo interrupted him by asking Macías justicihas in the times of each of the parties.
See also: These are the complete auditions of J.E. Pizano with Néstor Humberto Martínez
An interruption that seemed to disturb Macías and he replied: "Senator, for the moment, do not worry… Permit me to inform the badembly: Senator Petro spoke for 60 minutes, Senator Robledo 56 and Senator Angelica [Lozano] He spoke 48 minutes; total more than 160 minutes, the prosecutor began at 20:20. It takes 102 minutes … continues Mr. Fiscal. "
The mathematics of Macias. pic.twitter.com/pUOCysgWS9
– Juan Abel (@JuanAbelG) November 28, 2018
But the Senate Speaker he did not take into account the bad sum he had made times and sites and social networks, mockery and criticism have not been slow to arrive. Although later corrected to 64 minutes.
Macias counting the time of interventions … pic.twitter.com/1KKZ772rf2
– Daniel Duque V. (@danielduquev) November 28, 2018
#DebateOdebrecht Macias by calculating the minutes, you have 1 hour and 4 minutes … pic.twitter.com/TGKXTUYSSD
– Andrés Parra (@ CAVERNICOLA80) November 28, 2018
Macias does the accounts of what the prosecutor talked about. #DebateOdebrecht pic.twitter.com/WzAAPWHzyp
– Diego (@ DiegoRuiz1997) November 28, 2018
Take an abacus to Macías.
??? pic.twitter.com/c30P3y4SdX– JACK The Destributor ? (@JACKICED) November 28, 2018
The problem in the country is clearly education, and that's how Uribe likes to recruit for his party and vote for him.
A few days ago, Cabal said that 50,000, less than 4,000, gave 36,000.
Today, Macias says that one hour equals 104 minutes.
The march of tomorrow is necessary.
– Alejo Vergel (@YoAlejoV) November 28, 2018
The debate is over and Macias has not finished adding.
– Brunette (@MorenaCactus) November 28, 2018
What was missing in Senator Macias' mathematics clbad.
– Felix de Bedout (@fdbedout) November 28, 2018
Poor friends of Ernesto Macias.
6:00 p.m.
Friend: "So, Macias, see you in 1 hour"
Macias: "one!"
* Macias arrives at 19:40 *– Llano (@ricardollano) November 28, 2018
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