The error of mathematics Ernesto Macías in plenary session that does not forgive him in the networks


After the intervention of the three members of Congress who promoted the debate and a brief participation of the Minister of the Interior, the turn was for Néstor Humberto Martínez, who strongly attacked the accusations against him regarding the information which he had on the scandal of Odebrecht go to the address of the Attorney General's Office of the nation.

The prosecutor, accused by members of the opposition congress of "covering" the investigations against the Brazilian briber, had been in defense for some time when they asked Ernesto Macias what time it was for a possible response.

"Senator, for the moment, do not worry," the president of the Senate said Jorge Robledo. He added:

"Allow me to inform the plenary: Senator Petro spoke for 60 minutes, Senator Robledo 56 and Senator Angelica [Lozano] He spoke 48 minutes; total more than 160 minutes, the prosecutor began at 20:20. It takes 102 minutes … continues Mr. Fiscal. "

Immediately afterwards, the plenary badistants demanded and others even let out laughter for the official 's error, the Attorney General being expressed hardly more than an hour .

"Corrijo, 64 (minutes)," concluded Macias.

The mathematics of Macias.

– Juan Abel (@JuanAbelG) November 28, 2018

A few minutes later, Macias' mathematical error was the product of ridicule in the networks:

What was missing in Senator Macias' mathematics clbad.

– Felix de Bedout (@fdbedout) November 28, 2018

Being 9:25 pm:

"The prosecutor began his speech at 8:20 pm, that is to say, it takes 102 minutes"

Ernesto Macías
President of the congress

– Caroline (@Caromunozb) November 28, 2018

The temporal system of Ernesto Macías is centesimal.

Very face.

– Gómez (@MrGomezRamirez) November 28, 2018

Mathematics at the limit of Macías.

– cross (@ed_bundy) November 28, 2018

#DebateOdebrecht Macias by calculating the minutes, you have 1 hour and 4 minutes …

– Andrés Parra (@ CAVERNICOLA80) November 28, 2018

#RenuncieFiscalCorrupto #DebateOdebrecht Macias adding …

– I'm Caspe! ?? (@soycaspe) November 28, 2018

The debate is over and Macias has not finished adding.

– Brunette (@MorenaCactus) November 28, 2018

Macias counting the time of interventions …

– Daniel Duque V. (@danielduquev) November 28, 2018

Take an abacus to Macías.

– JACK The Destributor ? (@JACKICED) November 28, 2018

-60 + 4?
-104 minutes!
-Thank you, Macías …

– Blah blah blah (@eldeltapabocas) November 28, 2018


This mathematical mistake cost politicians, because many young people and network users have benefited from the to get your formula memorized in front of: student, vagos! u201d.



not not Maru00eda Fernanda Cabal not not



In relation


[Video] Victims' representative sings the table at Mar Fernanda Cabal



  • not not
  • not

  • not not
  • not




Some of the comments read on this Facebook Live were: u201cDo not know or add. For this reason, we need a free education u201d, u201c u00bf50,000 u2013 4.000 are 36,000? Jue u2026! Should well fund the public, 4,000 = 36,000 hahaha pgane 0. Study, vague, more good, among others.


However, they were not the only ones, other users even created the #EstudieVaga Twitter tag, where they read several opinions in which they also punished him for his mistake.


same some compared it to the Minister of Defense, Guillermo Botero. All because this Thursday, during an interview with the same station, the official asked what was the recovery of 6,000 parks in the country. And he replied: u201cTo make this sum come from adding 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 to 6,000 u201d, as you hear it in the following video.



Stop everything and immediately give the Nobel Prize in mathematics in the light of this minister @GuillermoBotero
Even the single Mac could not have responded better. / nREqP80HDU


u2014 udocumentation udc93 (@monikquinterog) November 23, 2018




Here are some comments on Twitter about Cabal's mistake:



thank you so much @MariaFdaCabal I'd thought it was bad for math but you beat me 100m helped to increase my safety and study more not to be as disgusting as you #respect #estudievaga


u2014 JS Photography (@ IndieBoy07) November 24, 2018





@MariaFdaCabal Where are you primary and high school? What mathematics is so vague, but still #estudievaga #CavalLaBruta #ParoNacional


Alan Murfong (@AlanMurfong) November 24, 2018





By listening to the numbers of @MariaFdaCabal in the @WRadioColombia (50,000-4,000 = 36,000) makes me think and encourages me to continue to fight for quality public education.#EstudieVagahttps: / / / rb8rwpKnXO@HOLLMANMORRIS @JenniferPedraz


Juan Esteban Morales (@Juanespsi) November 24, 2018





You @MariaFdaCabal he talks about vague students and badures him that the vast majority, without having written on paper, is not mistaken (-) or (+) without being wrong #EstudieVaga #EstudieBruta https: / / / 18kIEjO8jA


u2014 julian pejendino (@jpejendino) November 24, 2018





If you know Holman.
Jajajajajajajaja that, I do not know what Calificativo put.
But @MariaFdaCabal Stop being Vaga, I studied.
Of course, we are like ourselves with members of Congress, like sumerce.#EstudieVaga https: / / / ZrWVITCEds


u2014 Mijo (@ DiegoFe52902161) November 24, 2018







Juan Saldarriaga (@ juanpys1975) November 24, 2018



n "}, {" id ":" PP597350 "," titles ": {" main ":" Ladrn cuenta badyze their victims before stealing them "," facebook ":" For this reason They prefer steal the students and why they badyze the clothes of the victims. "," Seo ":" Ladr? U explains how they badyze victims before stealing them. "}," sentences ": {" main ":" The tactic was revealed by a thief who continued to study the citizens to remove their property. Also, how to fly in homes and in vehicles. "}," Categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" nation "," name ":" Nation ",}}," urls ": {" main ":" / nation / thief- explain-as-badysis-victims-before-fly-PP597350 "}," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" carolina.rodriguez "," name ":" Carolina Rodriguez "}," owner ": null}, "published": "1", "type": "article", "created": 1543158572, "updated": 1543161557, "images": {"purpose": {"title": "Flight, insecurity "," credit ":" Getty Images "," description ":" Illustrative image "," alt ":" Flight, insecure "," file ":" https: / / / images / 20181125150808 /gettyimages-robo.jpg "}," types ": {" thumb ":" https: / / / images / 20181125150808 /gettyimages-robo-150x150.jpg " , "mobile": "https: / / / 20181125150808 /gettyimages-robo-288x162.jpg", "means" ":" https: / / / images / 20181125150808 / get tyimages-robo-482x320.jpg "," large ":" https: / / / images / 2018112515080 8 /gettyimages-robo-900x485.jpg "," vertical ":" https: / / / images / 20181125150808 /gettyimages-robo-240x320.jpg "," open ": https: / / / images / 20181125150808 / gettyimages- robo-795x470.jpg "," gif ":" "}}," censor ":" 0 "," unpublishImage ":" 0 "," videos ": {" main ": null}," externalUrl ":" " , "carousel": "0", "tags":["Inseguridad Bogotu00e1"], "trinoTW": "", "liveblog": "0", "shorthand": "", "sources":[{"title":"Asu00ed lo badiza a usted un atracador antes de robarlo","url":"","source":"El Tiempo"}], "related":[], "body2": " n n

The account u00f3 handed him the man to the newspaper El Tiempo, where he was identified as u201cCarlos u201d. I told you that since the 10th crime in the capital and revealed that his mode is the mobbing of u201cquieto u201d to catch your victims.


With this mode of operation, the offender first badyzes his victim, who is preferably distracted; you load it in an isolated place, he clasps her chest or neck and intimidates her with a knife deliver valuables.


Before badaulting or committing a robbery, thieves study people or situation as followsexplains the young man, 27 years old in the middle:



  • They identify when people wear gates because of the rectangular shape or the relief formed in the bags.
  • not

  • They focus on the audios used by citizens to identify the brand of the team and determine whether it is worth stealing it.
  • not


Sony Ericsson was fashionable at one time. We would identify the capsule and it looks like, you take it, then you pay for dog [u2026]. This is done with all brands; we study them online, do not think that you are not educated u201d.


The article continues below



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  • They prefer to steal students at the university because they always have papaya everywhere, they always use ultra-modern cell phones and laptops.
  • not

  • They badyze people's clothing because it allows them to identify their status and deduce that they have valuables.
  • not

  • The immediate reaction of citizens who are afraid when they notice the presence of a thief. According to the bank robber explained to the newspaper of the capital, many people put their hand in the part where they retain the valuable elements and therefore go to the fixed site.
  • not

  • They are looking for cars parked in dark places or alone to steal the luxury of vehicles such as windshields, moons, antennas and mirrors.
  • not

  • Traffic jams are another advantage for thieves as they put all their victims under the crosshairs. We make a tour and we detect at a glance the cell phones, the port, the wallet, if the lady has jewels or the gentleman, a little watch.
  • not

  • In houses, thieves usually climb the last posts. Evaluate the main doors to check if they have an insurance and know what objects can come out through windows or from other issues.
  • not

  • They identify boxes where women always keep jewelry.
  • not


It should be remembered that a few days ago the police posted videos on his Twitter account, whereTwo offenders (convicted) explain how to avoid a robbery at a cashier's or a millionaire's money.

n "}, {" id ":" PP597241 "," titles ": {" main ":" The prosecutor was for cyanide, but Pizano's hard drives were washed away "," facebook ": Marena Jimena Duz accentuates her mistrust of Numburto prosecutor Humberto Martínez by his "mafia boss". "," seo ":" Investigation following the death of Jorge Pizano "}," sentences ": {" main ":" According to columnist Jimena Duz, Maritime Week, which adds The experts also took the mobile phone from the Exauditor of Ruta del Sol 2. "}," categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" nation "," name ":" Naci u00f3n "}}," urls ": {" main " ":" / nation / / inquiry-by-the-death-jorge-pizano-PP597241 "}," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" javier.segura "," name ":" javier Segura "}," owner ": null}," published ":" 1 "," type ":" article "," created ": 1543132177," updated ": 1543226542," images ": {" but ": {"title": "Cianuro in the house of Jorge Enrique Pizano", "credit": "Twitter (Darcy Quinn and Noticias Uno)", "description": "", "alt": "Cyanuro in the house by Jorge Enrique Pizano "," file ":" https: / / / images / 20181118184344 /cianuro-en-casa-de-pizano.jpg "}," types ": {" thumb ": "https: / / d2yoo3qu6vr / images / 20181118184344 /cianuro-en-casa-de-pizano-150x150.jpg "," mobile ":" https: / / d2yoo3qu6vrk5 / images / 20181118184344 /cianuro-en-casa-de-pizano-288x162.jpg "," medium ":" https: / / / images / 20181118184344 / cianuro-in-casa-de pizano-482x320.jpg "," large ":" https: / / / images / 20181118184344 / cianuro-in-casa-of-pizano -900x485.jpg "," vertical ": "https: / / / images / 20181118184344 /cianuro-en-casa-de-pizano-240x320.jpg", "open": "https: / / d2yoo3qu6vrk5d.cloudfront. net / images / 20181118184344 /cianuro-en-casa-de-pizano-795x470.jpg "," gif ":" ""}}, "censor": "0", "unpublishImage": "0", "videos": {"main": null}, "externalUrl": "", "carousel": "0", "tags":["Jorge Enrique Pizano","Nu00e9stor Humberto Martu00ednez","Odebrecht"], "trinoTW": "", "liveblog": "0", "shorthand": "", "sources":[{"title":"Batiendo ru00e9cords","url":"","source":"Semana"}], "related":["","",""], "body2": " n n

The journalist contributes to the climate of mistrust that covers the prosecutor Numburto Humberto Mart and the investigative body, with a report on alleged irregularities in the search of the home of the late Jorge Enrique Pizano.


In this diligence, to which a large group of investigators from the Office of the Prosecutor participated, not only did they take the cyanide jar found in the bathroom of Jorge Enrique Pizano. They also took the hard drives that were on the engineer's computers and their cell phones, which contain all the information that today has on the ropes of many influential people, including the prosecutor Nude Humberto Mart u00ednez. However, this procedure is obviously irregular, because some lawyers with whom I could consult the subject, the usual and current practice of inspections and research is to make a copy of the hard drives for badysis. medico-legal, and do not take them u201d, said Duz u00f3 in the magazine.


The chronicler adds that the order of inspection had not considered the idea that Pizano was in danger because of his witness status against Odebrecht, but the badumption of 39, a possible suicide because of economic problems.


For this reason, the order was also to investigate property, mortgages, life insurance and financial documents, to determine whether there was an economic aspect that would have been decisive for Mr. Pizano Callejas have tried life, you'll see Duz in Week.


On the basis of the same hypothesis, the researchers were ordered to collect computers, USB keys, hard disks to determine if they denoted aspects that induced the same suicide, adds the journalist who has doubts about the legality of this last point.


The article continues below



u201cThe seizure of hard disks and mobile phones from the Pizano farm has been legalized before a judge of the warrants? Who is responsible for the chain of custody to prevent tampering with these documents? If they started from the badumption that Pizano had committed suicide with cyanide, what computers and mobile phones have to do with this premise?Jimena Duz must reiterate her mistrust of the Humberto Martín prosecutor and his death warrant to prevent new cases of corruption in corruption cases. u00f3n

n "}, {" id ":" PP597589 "," titles ": {" main ":" Why did Roger Waters not want to give an autographed guitar to Iv? What Duque? "," facebook ":" The President should not be very happy. "," Seo ":" Roger Waters Guitar for Ivú Duque "}," phrases ": {" main ":" Apparently, the legendary British artist has the decision not to leave the gift to the president after meeting the students last Wednesday. "}," categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" nation "," name ":" Naci u00f3n "}}," urls ": {" main ":" / nation / guitar- roger-waters-for-ivan-duque-PP597589 "}," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" paola.paez "," name ":" Paola Paez "}," owner ": null} , "published": "1", "type": "article", "created": 1543216186, "updated": 1543225931, "images": {"meta": {"title": "Iv ua Duke and Roger Waters "," credit ":" Facebook and Instagram, official accounts "," description ":" Ivy Duke and Roger Waters "," alt ":" Ivy Duke and Roger Waters "," file ": "https: / / / images / 20181126070 504 /guitarra.jpg"}, "types": {"thumb": "https: / / / images / 20181126070504 /guitarra-150x150.jpg "," mobile ":" https: / / / images / 20181126070504 /guitarra-288x162.jpg "," medium ":" https : / / / images / 20181126 0704 / guitar-482x320.jpg "," large ":" https: / / / images / 20181126070504 /guitarra-900x485.jpg "," vertical ":" https: / / d2yoo3qu6vrk5d / images / 20181126070504 /guitarra-240x320.jpg "," Opening ":" https: / / / 20181126070504 /guitarra-795x470.jpg "," gif ":" "}}," censor ":" 0 "," unpublishImage ":" 0 "," videos ": {" main ": null}," externalUrl ":" "," carousel ":" 0 " , "tags":["Ivu00e1n Duque","Roger Waters"], "trinoTW": "", "liveblog": "0", "shorthand": "", "sources":[{"title":"Luego de escuchar a los estudiantes, Roger Waters decidiu00f3 no regalarle su guitarra Duque","url":"","source":"Noticias Uno"}], "related":[""], "body2": " n n

According to former student Jennifer Pedraza, the former singer of Pink Floyd asked their opinion about the head of state and his remarks about the president did not leave the best impression to the singer.


The young woman told News One it depends on what they said, he would know if he gave him the guitar or not.


In the report, what Pedraza and his companions said to the artist was not clear, but after listening to it, according to the student, he said:


"So I'm not going to give him the guitar, because I'm not surprised that he's part of this type of politics in the world."


Waters would have confessed to the students that the same Duke had asked him for the autographed guitar, but the artist undoubtedly decided to side with the student movement, as he also stated in a speech delivered during of his speech. presentation at El Camp stadium.



not not not not



In relation


Even Roger Waters had joined the student strike during his concert in Bogotá



  • not not
  • not

  • not not
  • not




The rejection of traditional politicians by the singer is reflected not only in the lyrics of his songs and in the critical criticism he has led for more than 50 years in his musical career, but also in his presentation. I was in Bogot when I reminded participants that they should be able to resist and be human.


Even, the message provoked that the people present at the concert delivered harangues against the former president Uribe, political leader of duke.


As well as the music journalist Alejandro Mar, comment on these moments of the concert:














See this post on Instagram





















Roger Waters in Bogotá made us think that the world we live in is unbearable. In the middle of the show, after a careful review of Pink Floyd's success, when people were going to eat or swim, El Camp stadium was covered with a dark halo and the giant screen dictated resistance orders with a propagandist source and a letter Intense red: after a list of recommendations on the murderous impulses of resistance as a species resistant to killing children, it seems like a distant request from a citizen, but in our time, Waters has considered urgent to say - the postman was erected on the city of Bogot with the strong message that m. Waters does not want us to forget one stop on his US & THEM tour: that Donald Trump is a pig, as are all current leaders. Roger Waters should in no way be taken lightly: his silent harangues on the screen have twice caused the exchange of slogans against Alvaro Uribe Vlez, which proves that the co-founder of Pink Floyd is the The last great dangerous artist, a reason to be thanked at a party like this. Although Uribe Vélez does not appear on the list of neo-fascist rulers who, from Australia to Brazil, rise dangerously over the world and denounce themselves on this screen, the message to follow is so clear that the public alone Take the initiative (nothing is more scary for a government than a people who wakes up in front of the clamor of the crowd.) Well, let's not forget not the myth: impeccably executed, touching the bone, with a ringing like never before or at the El Campin stadium, the immersive promise and psychedelic sound of Pink Floyd, forever, forever.


A post shared by Alejandro Marin (@themusicpimp) on




n "}, {" id ":" PP597580 "," titles ": {" main ":"[Video] The road of chaos to the west of Bogotá by a tube of the aqueduct that is revented, "facebook": "It is recommended to take alternative routes. "," Seo ":" Mobility problems in the west of Bogotá by tube rupture "}," sentences ": {" main ":" The pbadage of Esperanza Avenue with the carrera 50 remains closed because of this urgency, which also caused the fall of a semi-light. "}," categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" nation "," name ":" Naci u00f3n "}}," urls ": {" main ":" / nation / problems- mobility-western-bogota-por-ruptura-tubo-PP597580 "}," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" paola.paez "," name ":" Paola Paez "}," owner ": null}, "published": "1", "type": "article", "created": 1543212695, "updated": 1543226012, "images": {"meta": {"title": "V flooded flooded "," credit ":" Twitter @lafm "," description ":" Esperanza Avenue with 50 "," alt ":" Inundadas "," file ":" https: / / d2yoo3qu6vrk5d.cloudfront . net / images / 20181126060557 /ds7ejeqxoaesisc.jpg "}," types ": {" thumb ":" https: / / / images / 20181126060557 / ds7ejeqbadebad150x150. , "mobile": "https: / / / images / 20181126060557 /ds7ejeqxoaesisc-288x162.jpg", "support": "https: / / / images / 20181126060557 /ds7ejeqxoaesisc-482x320.jpg "," large ":" https: / / / 20181126060557 / ds7ejeqbadoahis "-900x485.jpg": / / d2yo o3qu6vrk5d.cloudfront .net / images / 20181126060557 /ds7ejeqxoaesisc-240x320.jpg "," opening ":" https: / / / images / 201811260607d, "gif": ""}}, " censorship ":" 0 "," unpublishImage ":" 0 "," videos ": {" main ": null}," externalUrl ":" "," carousel ":" 0 "," tags ":["Movilidad Bogotu00e1"], "trinoTW": "", "liveblog": "0", "shorthand": "", "sources":[{"title":"@BluRadioCo","url":"","source":"Twitter "},{"title":"@FREDYGUERRAHERR","url":"","source":"Twitter "},{"title":"Seu00f1al en vivo.","url":"","source":"Noticias Caracol"}], "related":[], "body2": " n n

Authorities work early Monday morning to evacuate the waters and allow the vires.


While the situation is being solved, which can take several hours, it is recommended to take alternative routes, such as the streets 26 and 13, or Avenida las Américas, for those who are go to the El Salitre area.


Around 6:30 am, the flow of water stopped. However, the pbadage to the city center remains closed to allow the Bogota Water Company to badyze the causes and possible damages, reports the report. News Caracol.


In development



From 3h40 the firefighters station #PuenteAranda in the Kr 50 with Av. la Esperanza, where the rupture of a tube of aqueduct was present. This weakened the leg and dropped a pole and light. There is no pbadage through La Esperanza Avenue. ud83d udea8#ProtegemosLaVida


u2014 Bomberos of Bogotá (@BomberosBogota) November 26, 2018





#Video Esperanza Avenue is closed at the height of Carrera 50, in #Blogot1. Apparently, a tube was broken and a lamppost and a semiconductor were knocked down #Development #Ma u00f1anasBLU https: / / / WGzjCQI0cg / LqaCgNw9ih


u2014 BluRadio Colombia (@BluRadioCo) November 26, 2018





Attention, take alternately 50 races cluttered by a tube break in the avenue with hope with 50 @Citytv #arribabogot


u2014 Fredy Guerra (@FREDYGUERRAHERR) November 26, 2018





u26a0 ud83c udf99 #Blogot1 Avenida de La Esperanza with Carrera 50 closed at this time. Apparently, a water pipe was damaged https: / / / Yz1jOlWi7p #MePasoALaFM / SvKYYp7JGn


u2014 THE FM (@lafm) November 26, 2018



n "}, {" id ":" PP597168 "," titles ": {" principal ":" The representative in charge of investigating the Attorney General is the son of criminals: Daniel Coronell "," facebook ":" The Researcher is a member of a family that has received a juicy help from Agro Secured Income, for which the scandal was discovered. "," seo ":" In the criminal environment of the investigator of the Attorney General "}," sentences ": {" principal ":" Although in Colombia there is no crimes of blood, the chronicler devotes himself to the discovery of the environment of Santander "Villamizar Villars."}, "categories": {"main": {"slug": "nation", "name": "Nation"}}, "urls": {"main": " / nation / environment- criminal-investigator-fiscal-general-PP597168"}, "author": {"creator": {"user": " javier.segura "," name ":" javier Segura "}," owner ": null}," published ":" 1 "," type ":" article "," created ": 1543110969," updated ": 1543110969, "images": {"meta": {"title": "Humberto Marta Necromancer", "credit": "Government General", "description": "Humberto Mart", "alt" : "Humberto Mart's Node", "file": "https: / / / images / 20181118074145 /fisgon-444.jpg"}, "types": {"thumb": "https: / / / images / 20181118074145 /fisgon-444-150x150.jpg", "mobile": "https: / / / 20181118074145 /fisgon-444-288x162.jpg "," profile "": "https: / / / images / 20181118074145 /fisgon-444-482x320.jpg", "large ":" https: / / / images / 20181118074145 /fisgon-444.jpg "," see tical ":" https: / / / images / 20181118074145 /fisgon-444-240x320.jpg "," opening ":" https: / / / images / 20181118074145 /fisgon-444-750x470.jpg "," gif ":" "}}," censor ":" 0 "," unpublishImage ":" 0 "," videos ": {" main ": null}," externalUrl ":" "," carousel ":" 0 "," tags " :["Nu00e9stor Humberto Martu00ednez"], "trinoTW": "", "liveblog": "0", "shorthand": "", "sources":[{"title":"El investigador","url":"","source":"Semana"},{"title":"Condenan a ex senador Alirio Villamizar a nueve au00f1os de cu00e1rcel por escu00e1ndalo de notaru00edas","url":"","source":"El Espectador"}], "related":["","",""], "body2": " n n

The suspicion of the weekly journalist led him to consider that the searches to be made by the representative of uribista by Santander are u201cless reliable than the Prosecutor's investigation into the Odebrecht case and the death of Jorge Enrique Pizano and his son Alejandro u201d.


In the house of his father (he is the son of former Senator Alirio Villamizar) was born the scandal of Agro Ingreso Seguro and the first evidence of delivery of notice were found to members of the Congresses who sold their vote to reform the Constitution and to allow the re-election of President Uribe u201d of then, says the chronicler.


In July 2010, The Supreme Court of Justice sentences Alirio Villamizar 9 years in prison for the crime of concusi ... and the payment of a fine of nearly 45,300 million pesos, as well as nine years of inability to carry out public office, which is about to expire, inform u00f3 El Espectador.


But not only that, Daniel Coronell remembers that Villamizar's mother, Marés Meneses Quintero, was also sentenced to 3 to 5 years and 5 months in prison for the same crime, when asked to control the daily allocations of the budget of the notary public 11 of Bucaramanga, where the notary Luz Janeth Rojas had to pay to Villamizar half of the profits of the office.


The article continues below



The tickets of the ex Alirio Villamizar with el exministro de Agricultura Andrà © s Felipe Arias no solo fueron polemicos, sino que tambieme trascendieron al plano legislativo en donde el exsenador uribista for Santander adicion an art of the Estatuto Tributario que introdujo una generosa exenci a los beneficiarios u2013a ellos uno de sus hijos u2013 Agro Ingreso Seguro (AIS), Agregate Columnist of Semana.


Ademas, seg Coronell, in the Unidad de Trabajo Legislativo of the representative Villamizar, designado para investigar al fiscal Fiscal Humberto Martà ©, trabaja Holger Du00edaz, otro exsenador sancionado por corrupciu00f3n al cobrar cuotas a la liquidada Saludcoop.

n","cronologico":0},{"id":"PP596044","titles":{"main":"Grupo u00c9xito dice que u201crevendedoru201d hizo trampa con televisores del 90 % de descuento","facebook":"#Foto Gerente del u00c9xito dice que con solo ver la factura se despejan varias dudas.","seo":"Grupo u00c9xito aclara compra de televisores con 90 % de descuento"},"phrases":{"main":"La compau00f1u00eda sacu00f3 un comunicado en el que explica lo que ocurriu00f3 el pasado viernes cuando retuvo 2 televisores a un cliente que los compru00f3 a un precio inferior."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/grupo-exito-aclara-compra-televisores-con-90-descuento-PP596044"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"jeey.cruz","name":"Jeey Cruz"},"owner":null},"published":"1","type":"article","created":1542925605,"updated":1542965600,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Grupo u00c9xito","credit":"Google Maps y Facebook: Vivian Su00e1nchez","description":"Almacu00e9n u00c9xito y la factura de compra del cliente","alt":"Grupo u00c9xito","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","videos":{"main":null},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","tags":["Grupo u00c9xito"],"trinoTW":"Explicaciu00f3n de @almacenebadito por televisores del 90 % de descuento","liveblog":"0","shorthand":"","sources":[{"title":"Grupo u00c9xito","url":"","source":"Twitter"},{"title":"Tropicana Cali","url":"","source":"Twitter"}],"related":[""],"body2":"nn

La compra la hizo Diego Zapata, el 16 de noviembre, y luego de que le quitaran los televisores led 4K de 65 pulgadas a la salida del almacu00e9n u00c9xito San Fernando, en Cali, decidiu00f3 denunciar en redes sociales lo que segu00fan u00e9l fue una arbitrariedad.


Si bien miles de usuarios en redes y hasta clientes de estos almacenes se solidarizaron con el denunciante, el Grupo u00c9xito asegura que u201cse trata de un evento absolutamente irregular y de mala fe promovido por un revendedoru201d de productos.


El u00c9xito seu00f1ala que Zapata se valiu00f3 de trampas a la hora de comprar los televisores, pues la compau00f1u00eda no sacu00f3 al aire la publicidad ni u201cninguna comunicaciu00f3n a sus clientes o al pu00fablico en general del descuento del cual pretendu00eda sacar provecho la personau201d.



Y agrega:


u201cDe acuerdo con las investigaciones en curso, se estableciu00f3 que el revendedor, aprovechando una relaciu00f3n previa que se tenu00eda con un empleado del almacu00e9n, obtuvo de manera indebida informaciu00f3n referente a un error en la aplicaciu00f3n de un descuento en el sistema. Esta anomalu00eda en el precio se detectu00f3 antes de la apertura del almacu00e9n al pu00fablico y se corroboru00f3 que una vez el punto de venta fuera abierto no existu00eda ningu00fan tipo de material publicitario que comunicara este descuentou201d.


Esta misma hipu00f3tesis la dio a conocer Jorge Jaller, gerente de la marca u00c9xito, que en entrevista con la emisora Tropicana en Cali dijo que con solo ver la hora de compra en las facturas se puede detectar que hubo trampa.


u201cEl almacu00e9n se abre a las ocho (de la mau00f1ana) en punto, y a las 8:08 ya habu00eda comprado los dos televisores. Imagu00ednate, en un almacu00e9n el que hay miles de productos y u00e9l entra directo a donde estu00e1n los televisoresu201d, dijo Jaller en la emisora.


De hecho, en la factura se lee que la compra fue a las 8:09 de la mau00f1ana.


Factura de compra / Tomada de Facebook: Vivian Su00e1nchez

El u00c9xito dice que al notar el error el personal procediu00f3 a retener y anular la compra del cliente, pues al parecer un trabajador de la compau00f1u00eda le habru00eda dado la tirilla a Zapata para que hiciera creer que ese descuento estaba en la zona de televisores.


u201cEl revendedor se aprovechu00f3 de manera irregular de informaciu00f3n que le permitu00eda tener un descuento del 90 % y por valor de $16.281.180 en ambos televisores, la transacciu00f3n fue anulada por el personal de seguridad que ya habu00eda sido alertado del caso y se le hizo la respectiva devoluciu00f3n del dinero en forma inmediatau201d, agrega el comunicado.


De todas formas, desde la cuenta en Facebook en donde Zapata compartiu00f3 facturas y videos de lo ocurrido se insiste en que la compra fue u201clegalu201d, aunque usuarios ya empezaron a notar que algo raro sucediu00f3 pues presuntamente Zapata fue el u00fanico cliente que compru00f3 con ese descuento.


Este es el comunicado del u00c9xito:



En respuesta a la noticia sobre el video de descuento de televisores en Cali, te compartimos nuestro comunicado oficial. Ademu00e1s encontraru00e1s la entrevista que dio el Gerente de la marca u00c9xito, Jorge Jaller, a la emisora Tropicana de la Capital del Valle:


u2014 u00c9xitou00ae (@almacenebadito) November 22, 2018




Y esta es la entrevista que concediu00f3 en Tropicana Cali el gerente del u00c9xito, Jorge Jaller.


n"},{"id":"PP597403","titles":{"main":"Petro publica foto de habitante de calle para hacer oposiciu00f3n a Duque, y desata polu00e9mica","facebook":"u00bfRealidad u oportunismo polu00edtico? Quu00e9 creen.","seo":"Petro sube foto de habitante de calle para hacer oposiciu00f3n a Duque"},"phrases":{"main":"El senador compartiu00f3 la imagen en su cuenta de Twitter con un mensaje en el que justifica su publicaciu00f3n: u201cUna imagen siempre vale mu00e1s que mil palabrasu201d."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/petro-sube-foto-habitante-calle-para-hacer-oposicion-duque-PP597403"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"jeey.cruz","name":"Jeey Cruz"},"owner":null},"published":"1","type":"article","created":1543165131,"updated":1543165245,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Gustavo Petro","credit":"AFP-archivo","description":"Gustavo Petro, senador de la Repu00fablica","alt":"Gustavo Petro","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","videos":{"main":null},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","tags":["Gustavo Petro","Ivu00e1n Duque"],"trinoTW":"","liveblog":"0","shorthand":"","sources":[{"title":"Gustavo Petro","url":"","source":"Twitter"}],"related":["",""],"body2":"nn

Mu00e1s allu00e1 del mensaje de oposiciu00f3n al gobierno del Presidente Ivu00e1n Duque que quiso enviar Gustavo Petro, la polu00e9mica se centru00f3 en que utilizu00f3 la imagen de un habitante de calle para hacerlo.


En la foto que subiu00f3 el senador se ve a un hombre que duerme en lo que seru00eda el andu00e9n de una calle, y que estu00e1 arropado con un cartel de los que sirviu00f3 como publicidad en la campau00f1a de Duque.


El trino del senador Petro fue publicado este su00e1bado en la tarde, y en poco mu00e1s de 24 horas ya tenu00eda unos 12.000 me gusta, casi 4.000 retuits y mu00e1s de 700 comentarios.


Una gran cantidad de usuarios que comentu00f3 este mensaje se mostru00f3 en contra de la estrategia que usu00f3 Petro para hacer oposiciu00f3n, pues considera que apelar a este tipo de imu00e1genes u201cdeja mucho quu00e9 pensaru201d de un polu00edtico que estuvo en competencia por llegar a la presidencia.


El artu00edculo continu00faa abajo



Pero tambiu00e9n hubo quienes respaldaron a Petro con argumentos como que u201cesa es la realidad del pau00edsu201d y hay que mostrarla, o que desde hace muchos au00f1os ha pasado lo mismo y ningu00fan gobernante ha podido combatir efectivamente la pobreza extrema a pesar de que asu00ed lo prometen en campau00f1a.


Esta es la publicaciu00f3n de Petro que ha generado polu00e9mica entre usuarios en redes sociales.



Una imagen siempre vale mu00e1s que mil palabras.


u2014 Gustavo Petro (@petrogustavo) November 24, 2018



n"},{"id":"PP597371","titles":{"main":"Luego de 3 du00edas de "terror", madre cuenta cu00f3mo su hija se accidentu00f3 en parque infantil","facebook":"#Naciu00f3n "Es un gran milagro, y una cantidad de u00e1ngeles la protegieron", expresu00f3 la madre.","seo":"madre denuncia accidente de su hija en summit trampolin park bogota"},"phrases":{"main":"Juliana Ramu00edrez relatu00f3 a travu00e9s de su perfil personal de Facebook lo que segu00fan ella ha sido "la escena mu00e1s dolorosa de su vida" que involucru00f3 a su pequeu00f1a."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/madre-denuncia-accidente-su-hija-summit-trampolin-park-bogota-PP597371"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"lorena.duran","name":"Lorena Duran"},"owner":null},"published":"1","type":"article","created":1543163090,"updated":1543167146,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Parque de trampolines","credit":"Facebook/ Summit Trampoline Park","description":"Parque de trampolines en Bogotu00e1","alt":"Parque de trampolines","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","videos":{"main":null},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","tags":["Bogotu00e1"],"trinoTW":"","liveblog":"0","shorthand":"","sources":[{"title":"Juliana Hernu00e1ndez","url":"","source":"Facebook"}],"related":[""],"body2":"nn

La hija de Ramu00edrez cumpliu00f3 8 au00f1os y quiso celebrarlos con sus amigos mu00e1s cercanos en un reconocido parque de trampolines ubicado en la ciudad de Bogotu00e1.


u201cDecidimos celebrarlo en el Summit Trampolin Parku2019 (Calle 80 con 197) con 10 amiguitos. Mi hija ya habu00eda ido a este lugar (sin nosotros) y queru00eda que su fiesta fuera allu00e1u201d, expresu00f3 la madre en dicha red social.


10 minutos despuu00e9s de haber llegado al lugar, su hija se tiru00f3 del u2018Skyrideru2019, una atracciu00f3n donde estu00e1n colgados de un arnu00e9s y recorren el parque a travu00e9s de unas cuerdas que estu00e1n en el techo.


Sin embargo, Juliana vio el momento mu00e1s doloroso que una madre puede vivir, pues u201cen una curva, el arnu00e9s se frenu00f3. La vi desplomarse de 6 metros de altura al pisou201c.


El artu00edculo continu00faa abajo



Tras el accidente y sin u201ctener alguien responsable en seguridad o primeros auxiliosu201d, la mujer cuenta que tuvieron que ir a la Clu00ednica de Engativu00e1 por u201ctemas de protocolo del parqueu201d.


Al examinarla debidamente confirmaron que la niu00f1a no tenu00eda ninguna lesiu00f3n, pero para mu00e1s tranquilidad se dirigieron a la Clu00ednica Santa Fe donde la tuvieron tres du00edasu00a0en observaciu00f3n, haciu00e9ndole u201cexu00e1menes neuru00f3logicos y ortopu00e9dicosu201d.


A continuaciu00f3n, la denuncia de la madre:






n"},{"id":"PP597330","titles":{"main":"Graban a 2 sicarios cuando planeaban matar a un esmeraldero y recibu00edan el pago","facebook":"#Video La Policu00eda les metiu00f3 una cu00e1mara en el carro y los pillu00f3 contando fajos de dinero.","seo":"Video de sicarios que planean matar a esmeraldero "},"phrases":{"main":"Una cu00e1mara que instalu00f3 la Policu00eda dentro de un carro deju00f3 al descubierto el plan, y permitiu00f3 identificar a los gatilleros y al que presuntamente los contratu00f3."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/video-sicarios-planean-matar-esmeraldero-PP597330"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"jeey.cruz","name":"Jeey Cruz"},"owner":null},"published":"1","type":"article","created":1543155994,"updated":1543226422,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Sicarios planean asesinato","credit":"Captura video El Tiempo","description":"El que cuenta el dinero es alias 'Tazmania'","alt":"Sicarios planean asesinato","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","videos":{"main":null},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","tags":["Sicarios"],"trinoTW":"","liveblog":"0","shorthand":"","sources":[{"title":"Este es el video de sicarios planeando atentado a zar esmeraldero","url":"","source":"El Tiempo"},{"title":"A prisiu00f3n presuntos integrantes de la oficina de cobro del u2018Clan Trianau2019 y los de u2018San Andru00e9su2019","url":"","source":"Fiscalu00eda General de la Naciu00f3n"}],"related":["",""],"body2":"nn

El dispositivo lo instalaron agentes de la Diju00edn dentro de un vehu00edculo aprovechando que lo habu00edan dejado en el parqueadero del centro comercial Calima, en Bogotu00e1. El carro, segu00fan informu00f3 El Tiempo, era de propiedad de dos hombres que trabajaban para el zar de las esmeraldas Horacio Triana.


u201cYo voy a hacer una pregunta. Ya estamos comprometidos, aquu00ed no hay reversa. u00bfAl que vamos a matar fue al que le hicieron el atentado en la zona T?u201d, pregunta un hombre al que ese medio identifica como u00c1nderson Perilla, alias u2018Tazmaniau2019.


u201cNo, todavu00eda nou201d, responde uno de los emisarios, y le aclara al sicario que aunque ese tambiu00e9n estu00e1 u201cen este contadou201d, el objetivo principal es otro esmeraldero u201cque es como el papu00e1, y toca comenzar primero por ahu00edu201d.


u2018Tazmaniau2019, segu00fan la investigaciu00f3n que cita ese medio, va acompau00f1ado de Josu00e9 William Vargas, alias u2018Josu00e9u2019, otro gatillero contratado para atentar contra el zar de las esmeraldas Hernando Su00e1nchez y uno de sus socios.


En el video se observa cuando u2018Tazmaniau2019 cuenta varios fajos de dinero, en billetes de 50 mil pesos, que acaba de recibir como pago por el ataque que planean.


El artu00edculo continu00faa abajo



El diario capitalino dice que, segu00fan las autoridades, el atentado de la Zona T al que hace referencia Perilla es el mismo que ocurriu00f3 dentro de un almacu00e9n y en el que Su00e1nchez perdiu00f3 un ojo y un pulmu00f3n, en octubre de 2012. Este esmeraldero es el sucesor del zar Vu00edctor Carranza.


En el plan sicarial tambiu00e9n aparecu00edan los nombres de unos u201c13 rivales del esmeraldero (Horacio Triana)u201d, y segu00fan el diario capitalino el clan de Los Triana habru00eda pagado u201chasta 500 millones de pesos por cada muerteu201d.


La grabaciu00f3n se hizo en mayo de este au00f1o, y hace dos semanas la Fiscalu00eda confirmu00f3 la captura de veintiu00fan personas entre las que estaban u2018Tazmaniau2019, u2018Josu00e9u2019 y Yerson Triana Rincu00f3n (hijo de Horacio Triana), al que seu00f1ala como u201csupuesto cabecilla de la organizaciu00f3nu201d.


La Fiscalu00eda, por medio de un comunicado, explicu00f3 que 20 de estas personas seru00edan u201cintegrantes del u2018Clan Trianau2019 y de la denominada u2018oficina de cobro San Andresito de la 38u2019 [u2026] De acuerdo con las investigaciones, se advierte que los procesados al parecer delinquu00edan en sociedad con bandas de narcotru00e1fico desde hace mu00e1s de 5 au00f1osu201d.


La Fiscalu00eda tambiu00e9n puso en evidencia que estos procesados u201cpresuntamente se encargaban de presionar con amenazas de muerte a campesinos y propietarios de extensos terrenos en zonas urbanas y rurales, obligu00e1ndolos a desplazarse de sus hogares para apoderarse de estos bienes con documentaciu00f3n falsau201d.


Esta es la grabaciu00f3n a los sicarios que compartiu00f3 El Tiempo.


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