The Eta Carinae System Is Emitting High Energy Rays To Earth – Astronomy


Eta Carinae, is the brightest and most mbadive stellar system of 10,000 light-years. He constantly pulls high-energy particles, according to a new study. some of them can reach the Earth in the form of cosmic rays.

It is located 7500 light-years away, and consists of two colossal stars that orbit; the mbad of the largest multiplied by 90 that of the Sun and its brightness exceeds five million times that of our star.

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astronomers since the mid-nineteenth century, from the moment the planet reached the light that it There was a huge eruption emerged from its surface. However, before they can not do in-depth studies due to the lack of technological progress.

Now, with the data obtained by NASA's NASA space telescope they discovered that this system continued to draw powerful particles of energy to Earth some in the form of rays. cosmic

"We know that the explosive waves of exploded stars can accelerate cosmic ray particles at speeds comparable to those of the Earth's light, an incredible surge of energy. produce in other extreme environments.Our badysis indicates that Eta Carinae is one of them, "notes Kenji Hamaguchi, astrophysicist of ] NASA Goddard Space Fight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and author

The NASA Fermi Space Telescope also observed a change in gamma rays whose source appears to be in the direction of Eta Carinae but the vision Astronomers could not confirm whether there was a connection between the two events.

NuSTAR on the other hand, was able to identify some of the radiation

One of the things that surprised scientists most is that the X-rays generated by the collision of stellar winds are three times more energetic than the experts knew. In addition, these winds appear to be synchronized when gamma rays are emitted.

"The researchers say that the best explanation for both X-ray emission and gamma-ray emission is the acceleration of electrons in violent shock waves on along the stellar collision limit. The X-rays detected by NuSTAR and the gamma rays detected by Fermi come from the light of the stars, given a great energy surge by the interactions with these electrons ", said NASA in a statement.

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