The five most striking phrases of the Trump-Putin meeting | ELESPECTADOR.COM


The two Presidents of the United States and Russia, meeting in Helsinki, addressed several issues and badured that their relationship "is very strong". These are the phrases that resonate most in the ears of Europe and other countries who have seen this encounter with much hope.

Monday's summit between Presidents of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and the United States, Donald Trump, is the last leg of a week-long trip across Europe, to during which Trump castigated his allies, especially Germany, without criticizing the Russian president.

The issues with Putin were many, but many badysts fear that Trump is weak against the Russians and does not attack all critical issues. "We have to treat Russia Putin as the state of the bandit," said Richard Habad, chairman of the US think tank Council on Foreign Relations, before the summit.

But, apparently, Trump did something else, as the Summit revealed. Putin proposed to Trump to work together to regulate the shale and gas shale markets. "We could work constructively to regulate international markets, because we are not interested in extreme price declines," said Putin.

Among the major countries with the largest unconventional oil and shale gas deposits are Argentina, Russia, the United States and China.

1. "Greetings from the cooperation between the Russian and American secret services"

The Russian President Vladimir Putin welcomed the cooperation between the Russian and American secret services, especially in the field of cybercrime, from his conversations with his American counterpart Donald Trump .

"We support the extension of our cooperation in the field of cybercrime, our special services work very well," he said in a statement. A phrase that does not go unnoticed in Washington, because of the investigation by the special prosecutor Robert Mueller on the Russian interference in favor of Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign.

See more: Putin and Trump against Europe

Trump refused to criticize his Russian counterpart on Monday, and more He stressed the "resounding" rejection of his counterpart from any interference in the politics of his country. "I have great confidence in my people of intelligence, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and energetic in his denial today and what 39 he did was an incredible offer, "he said Trump .

2. "There is no objective reason for tension with the United States": Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday that he had not "objective reasons" for a relationship with the tensions between the United States and Russia, He said several hours after meeting his American counterpart Donald Trump . "It is obvious to everyone that bilateral relations are going through a difficult period, but there are no objective reasons for these difficulties."

Hours before the summit, Trump said in a surprising tweet that the tense relations between Washington and Moscow are due to: "The witch hunt" of the FBI, which investigates the Russian influence in the 2016 US presidential elections.

The Republican President has also reproached his predecessor in the White House, Barack Obama, for accusing him of not having reacted previously on this matter.

3. "I allow you to question the Russian agents" : Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed, after the meeting of Helsinki with Donald Trump to allow Washington to interrogate agents of Russian intelligence accused of interference in US Presidential Election of 2016.

"We have an agreement between the United States and Russia dating back to 1999 on aid in criminal cases and this agreement remains in force. American) can send a request to interrogate those people who are suspicious, "said Putin at a joint press conference.

Washington indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers on Friday accused of hacking emails from Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in the presidential election that she won Trump .

See more: Guide to Understanding the Russian Conspiracy in Stats The Tenant of the White House claims to be victim of a "witch hunt" in this investigation and appears to repeatedly agree with Putin who denies any interference in the elections, against the criteria of the US intelligence agencies.

4. "Sitting with Russia is not a bad thing": Putin

US President, Donald Trump badured that his meeting with his homolo Russia, Vladimir Putin Extraordinary The two leaders met in the afternoon in the presidential palace in the heart of the Finnish capital, which has a long tradition as the headquarters of the East-West summits

" I am very happy that we are here ", time to talk about our relations in the background," said Putin . For his part, Trump also clarified with his usual tone: "To hear with Russia is a good thing, it is not a bad thing."

See more: Trump is more faithful to Putin than to the allies [19659007] 5. "Very good start": Trump

The American president, Donald Trump also badured that the The meeting with Putin was a "very good start" given their joint efforts to ease tensions between Washington and Washington. Moscow

See more: The meeting in pictures

"I think it's a good start, very, very good start," he declared Trump to reporters after this meeting historical record which lasted more than two hours in a room of the presidential palace of the Finnish capital. The two leaders then welcomed their respective delegations for further discussions before a joint press conference.

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