The formula for Colombia to be a developed country


With the entry of Colombia into the OECD, the country signed an unqualified commitment to elevate the values ​​of education in the country to one of the highest levels. high, increasing quality and coverage. Education has become the hallmark of measuring various wealth values ​​among advanced countries and millionaires, who are now an example for Latin America.

The example of Finland, European country that has become notoriously the model of Latin America. Global Education, or Norway, where cultural and educational gaps are the weakest in the world, has served our country to want to establish a more flexible educational model, with wider coverage that moves the country forward.

Universidad Gran Colombia Daniel Cardona, the future of Colombia and the structural changes of culture, values ​​and development as a country, are subject to give education is the highest status in terms of state priority because it is only then that a better society will be built.

"For the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), education is an indication or development and wealth, but not education.In short, an educational system with teachers who are unprepared to transmit social growth and a factor of development of values ​​for children and young people, takes us away from a real quality education, "says Cardona

. Colombian education, pointed out that much of the power of the growth of the country's educational quality, lies in the teachers' processes and their power and quality of education. Not only the technical and scientific processes, but holistically.

"Today, a young man who chooses a diploma as a professional career, not only chooses an economic future but a project of life and ends up experience l & # 39; empathy. a transformator of realities, because they become, for the most part, altruists who end up giving their lives to others, "says Cardona

for the MA in Political Studies and in Philosophy the work goes further. "If in the academy we train good, quality teachers, trained people like graduates, we will get a much stronger and much more effective education system that really promotes the development of the country." [19659002] "One of the needs of Colombia to become a country more like a Finland, a Norway, a Canada, is that people who are in charge of education, are trained for so all the world can not be an educator If education is a factor of development, a good education is based on good quality teachers and these teachers are people who are trained to teach bachelor's degrees, like those offered by the teacher. 39, University of Colombia, offer to people who want to teach, tools to become quality teachers, to promote change, "says Cardona

. Presidency of the country, jumped on the role of the teacher as a transformator of realities and this is pointed out by the academy and universities like Greater Colombia which specializes in Bachelor's degrees in Humanities and Social Sciences, which in its mission and vision, seek to establish and c to contribute to the emergence of a more cultural and educated country with high quality standards.

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