The four new bishops of Duque


Just before beginning his trip to Miami and in the middle of a meeting with Andi's businessmen, the elected president, Iván Duque, revealed the new records that the 39 will accompany since the beginning of the government. This is Andrés Valencia Pinzón, Minister of Agriculture; Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez, Minister of the Interior, and Gloria Alonso, Director of the National Planning Department (DNP).

Last night, the city of the United States announced the appointment of Carlos Holmes Trujillo as Chancellor. portfolio is added to Alberto Carrasquilla, who will be in charge of holding the reins of the Ministry of Finance. With these appointments there are still 12 portfolios to occupy, plus decentralized institutes such as the ICBF, the Department of Social Prosperity and the High Councils, in case you decide to keep them.

At the moment they are ringing for the Ministry of Justice, Gloria Borrero or Rafael Nieto; in defense, Guillermo Botero; in health, Juan Pablo Uribe; and in the work, Freddy Castro.

They are also in the rattle: in Minas, Eva Maria Uribe; in the trade, Nubia Stella Martínez; in education, Maria Victoria Angulo; in environment, Ricardo Lozano; in housing, Jonathan Malagón or Carlos Mario Estrada; in computer science, Cristian Lizcano or Juan Daniel Oviedo; in Culture, Alicia Arango and in Transportation, Ángela María Orozco or Susana Correa.

The Minister of Agriculture

The appointment of Valencia was received with pleasure by the economic unions. According to Rafael Hernández, president of Fedearroz, the new minister has "a remarkable trade union experience and a great technical knowledge of the sector.For the positions, he has met the requirements to make a good official.These are the biggest challenges because the sector Agricultural is the one that needs the most attention of the state.In Colombia, we have very high levels of delay in terms of infrastructure and public investment. "[19659003AmongthechallengesitwillfacetherewillbeimprovedcompetitivenessininternationalmarketsevenmoresowiththeexpansionoftheFreeTradeAgreementwithAustraliaandNewZealandaspartofthePacificAllianceInadditionhemustcontinuetoworkontheexportofmeatwithoutfoot-and-mouthdiseasewithoutvaccinationItwillhavetoadministerparafiscalidadfortheagriculturalsectoramongotherchallengesofthewallet

Luis Nelson Beltrán, Doctor of Integration and Economic Development of the School of Public Administration, believes that in the next four years "can not be generated relevant changes in the sector, we have been 30 years without real agricultural development.We need an agrarian reform that redistributes the land because only 6 points of the gross domestic product come from the countryside. "

The Minister of the Interior

L & D Asomovil's current president, Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez, will have extensive legislative experience after her pbadage through Congress. The new official will need to strengthen the government's priority projects, including: life sentence against rapists and tax reform.

According to Rubén Sánchez, professor of political science at the Universidad del Rosario, "this nomination implies the return of Uribism to power, because there is nothing new." [19659003] Conservative Senator Juan Diego Gómez argued that it was a positive message for Congress because "she knows the details of politics and he has sensitivity and talent with the benches and parties that participate in the legislature. "

Antonio Sanguino, of the Green Party, argues that" until now, the Cabinet comes from the bowels of Uribe and not from Duque.We hope that the Minister has an attitude of guarantee vis with regard to the Statute of the Opposition, that in its relations with Congress, it does not dominate the usual confusions that govern the traditional political relations between the executive and the legislature. "

Agriculture is an economist of the Universidad de los Andes, has a He has a long career in the various guilds of the sector, because at this moment he is the president of Fenavi (National Federation of poultry farmers of Colombia). He was commercial director of the Federation of Coffee Producers between 2011 and 2013, director of the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) between 2006 and 2008 and negotiator with the World Trade Organization between 2001 and 2003. He was a negotiator at the Colombian Mission to the Organization. World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva, Switzerland, and adviser to the Higher Council for Foreign Trade.

The ex-parliamentarian will return to the public sector as head of the Inner Portfolio, ie the link between the executive and the legislature. She was Secretary General of the Government of Cundinamarca. In his legislative experience, he was Speaker of the House and Senate. The Supreme Court opened a preliminary investigation in 2008 for alleged links with paramilitaries. In 2011, the court granted him a house of imprisonment for allegedly demanding secret documents from the then Department of Administrative Security (DAS). The Court acquitted her of these facts in 2012 and she permanently closed her file for parapolitics in 2014.

She is an Andean economist in Bogotá, with a master's degree in economics from the National University and in Economic Policy of Columbia University in New York. . Since September 2015, she is Deputy Comptroller General of the Republic. He has twenty years of work and academic experience, occupying positions of leadership, planning and development strategies in the field of the economy. She has worked at Banco de la República where she held various positions and roles in various fields of economic studies

She also worked at the World Bank and was Director of Macroeconomic Policy at the Ministry of Finance.

Foreign Relations accompanied the President-elect during his recent travels across the United States and Spain. Holmes is a lawyer of the Universidad del Cauca and has already held several public positions in his political career. He was Mayor of the City of Cali, Colombian Ambbadador to the Organization of American States (OAS), Minister of Interior of the Government of Ernesto Samper and Minister of Education under the mandate of Cesar Gaviria. He participated in the Constituent Assembly of 1991 and the government of Álvaro Uribe was appointed Head of Mission of Colombia to the European Union.

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