The French Chancellor ratifies the favorable development of relations with Cuba> World> Granma


During this weekend, the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs of the French Republic, Mr. Jean-Yves Le Drian, paid an official visit to Cuba.

Chancellor's visit was "the first visit of a minister After the election of the new president, Miguel Díaz-Canel, the European Committee for Foreign Affairs, reported the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has allowed to continue the dynamic of strengthening the political dialogue and the economic, cultural, academic and scientific relations between Our countries ", added the Minrex

The Drian arrived in Cuba Saturday afternoon and, a few hours later, he was received by the president of the Councils of State and Ministers, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez

.In a climate of cordiality, both parties emphasized the good state of the bilateral relations and expressed the will of To ensure the continuity of the high level of political dialogue, underlined the favorable development of trade, economic and cooperation relations and recognized the growing role of business French in various sectors of the Cuban economy such as energy, transport and construction.

the minister also met his counterpart, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla.

At the meeting, the two foreign ministers endorsed the desire to broaden the political-diplomatic dialogue and to continue the mechanism of consultation between the chancelleries. Similarly, they referred to the existing potential to deepen economic-commercial, investment, academic, scientific-technical, cultural and sporting exchanges, among others. They also discussed various current international issues.

Rodríguez Parrilla thanked France for its role in developing relations between Cuba and the European Union, as well as its opposition to the economic, commercial and financial blockade against our country.

Accompanied the distinguished visitor, the Hon. Mr. Jean-Marie Bruno, Ambbadador of the French Republic to Cuba, and Mr. Frédéric Doré, Director of America and the Caribbean, and Gaëtan Bruel, Counselor of Cultural Diplomacy, Influence and La Francophonie, from the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of the French Republic, as well as from other members of the delegation.

Emilio Lozada García and Rodolfo Reyes Rodríguez, respectively Directors General of Bilateral Affairs and Multilateral Affairs and International Law, were present on the Cuban side; Elio Rodríguez Perdomo, Ambbadador to France, and Alba Soto Pimentel, Director of Europe and Canada


François Hollande, President of the Republic French, May 10 to 12, 2015, first visit of a French head of state to Cuba. He was accompanied by seven ministers, several deputies and a large number of businessmen and intellectuals

Jean-Pierre Bel, special envoy of the President of the French Republic for Latin America and the Caribbean, from 5 to 7 October 2015.

Matthias Fekl, Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, Promotion of Tourism and French People Abroad, from November 5-7, 2015, on the occasion of the Havana International Fair.

Alain Vidalies, Secretary of State for Transport, Sea and Fishing, from June 29 to July 2, 2016.

Matthias Fekl and Jean-Pierre Bel, October 24 to 27, 2016.

Ségolène Royal , Minister of the Environment, Energy and the Sea, in charge of International Climate Relations, and Jean-Pierre Bel, on the occasion of the funeral of the Commander-in-Chief, of the 29th November to December 4, 2016.


President Raúl Castro, during a state visit, from January 30 to February 3, 2016. [19659002] Rodrigo Malmierca, Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, May 2016.

Again Malmierca, October 2017.

Elba Rosa Pérez Montoya, Minister of Science, Technology and Technology. Environment of Cuba, November and December 2017.

Rodrigo Malmierca, December 2017.

Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Minister Foreign Affairs, May 2018.


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