The girl of the man who gave money to Petro says that the architect Simón Vélez has "kicked"


The controversy over the Petro video is increasing The architect Simon Velez says that he has not given money to the senator today, but that the daughter of Juan Carlos Montes said to have done it.

In his first explanation of why he received millions of pesos in cash, Senator Gustavo Petro badured that this money, 20 million pesos, had been lent by the architect Simón Vélez.

However, in response to Petro 's statements, Simón Vélez issued a short statement in which he denies having lent him money.

"I tell the public that I did not lend to anyone, let alone Mr. Gustavo Petro."

You may be interested: Architect Simon Velez says that he has not lent money to Gustavo Petro

However, in dialogue with CM &, the family of the engineer Juan Carlos Montes He spoke through his eldest daughter and badured that architect Vélez had sent money to Gustavo Petro.

"Yes, Simon sent money to Gustavo Petro with my father, and this is not once but a lot," he told CM. Alejandra Montes, who explained that his family had friendly relations with Simón Vélez and Petro.

Alejandra Montes also explains the percentages of which her father and the former presidential candidate mention in the video published by Senator Paloma Valencia.

And Gustavo Petro himself, in his Twitter account, has expanded the explanations on what he says, is the context of what has happened.

"The money that was handed to me in 2005, and the Simon who says many Juan Carlos Montes, is his entrepreneur, the architect Simón Vélez." What Simon should clarify is if he made in the form of loan or contribution. "

Just as Alejandra Montes badures that Simón Vélez sent him money with his father, the engineer Juan Carlos Montes, to Gustavo Petro, but that the architect Vélez denies it, the controversy on this who really happened is hot.

While opponents of Petro insist that it is a bribe and that petristas are a fixture against them, justice must do everything possible to establish the facts.

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