The government rejected the crackdown on students and churches in Nicaragua | ELESPECTADOR.COM


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked the country in crisis "to stop immediately" the repression of demonstrators and the arbitrary detention of those participating in demonstrations, as well as to follow the recommendations of the IACHR.

Nicaraguans resist repression against part of the government forces. / EFE

The Colombian government reiterated Sunday its "energetic rejection" of the political and social crisis in Nicaragua and that, besides the pressure on the population, it leaves more than 350 dead.

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry said that "the acts of repression exercised by the Nicaraguan government forces against students, temples and civil society in this country in recent days" are the reasons why Colombia makes a new call for dialogue between the government and the Civic Alliance for Democracy and Justice to take into account the recommendations of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. "

Read more: Deaths in Nicaragua increase in the hands of the government

In addition, the ministry urged" to immediately cease the crackdown on demonstrators and the arbitrary detention of those who participate in the protests. "It also means complying with the recommendation not to stigmatize protesters".

The Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicated that it accompanies the proposals of the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro concerning the calendars and the electoral processes with the hope that "the national dialogue be the best way to solve the current crisis in Nicaragua."

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Nicaraguans live in crisis since April 18 when they started the protests against the president, Daniel Ortega for failed social security reforms. These left at least 351 dead, according to figures from local humanitarian agencies.

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