The Gulf clan will not submit to justice yet | Colombia


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Through a Press Release, the" Clan " of the Gulf "has denied that his submission to justice is close to registration.

The paper stated that, while it is true that they take the mechanisms to get there, it will not be as early as mentioned by some media and the same government

"We believe that It is very positive that legal solutions have been sought for the groups that remain in the conflict, a fact that we appreciate and appreciate.We socialize the law within our political and armed structure, and once we have completed this process, we will make the decisions that are required, "said the document released by the illegal group.

The document also states that even though both parties are under pressure to resolve the criminal situation, they are not rushing to make decisions. In this sense, it is expected that once the new government installed, the act of submission will be registered.

"We salute the government of Mr. Ivan Duque, and we hope that after his possession, the national government will promote the cause Finally, they have not ruled out their will for this act that will culminate with the criminal acts that they commit on the national territory. "We pursue our will to contribute to the construction of a stable and lasting peace for our country. Scenarios in which we find ourselves, our goal has always been and will be. "

Extradite Leaders

During the mbad Wilton Gabriel Álvarez, bus driver killed in the commune 13 San Javier, the Mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez, asked that the officials of the criminal structures in prisons are investigated for crimes they committed in the United States and the possibility of extradition is badyzed

"This requires all national support. The effort has been made, the leaders are already captured, but that is no use if they continue to give orders in the prisons. Therefore, I come back and insist that I do not ask for transfer to the prisons where they are most under surveillance, but I ask that the next transfer of these criminal leaders be extradited to the United States where they have also committed trafficking crimes. drugs, "explained the local president.

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