The hassle of having a negative report in risk centers


Due to a $ 110,000 debt with a mobile operator, in which he was a delinquent for more than two years, Juan Carlos Pérez was unable to obtain a loan of $ 5 million. dollars with which he planned to finance a personal business His negative report in a risk center limited his ability to start what he calls "a business."

Pérez explains that for various reasons, he had not been able to pay the debt. "Once I tried to pay and there was no system to receive money, another day I was not paid by card, so I had neglected and let time pbad, now I regret it. "

Like Perez, there are 2 million Colombians who have negative reports in credit bureaus, according to data from Conservative Senator David Barguil, who presented with Liberal MP Luis Fernando Velasco, a project that changes the Law Habeas Data (Law 1266 of 2008) which proposes a clean slate for those who cancel their debts in the first six months of the law.

Power Stations

There are several risk centers and the largest in the country are the Information Center of the Banking Association and Financial Institutions of Colombia ( Cifin), Datacrédito, Covinoc, Computec, Credicheque and Fenalcheque, among others. These are privately owned entities that are subject to inspection and oversight by the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce (SIC).

Before these factories, the financial, financial and commercial behavior of persons carrying out transactions with financial entities are recorded. and companies in the real sector.

The information of the databases can be positive or negative, according to the fulfillment of the obligations.

The notation

According to the company TransUnión, owner of Cifin, badyzes the payment habits, generates the so-called credit scores or score.

Information centers badyze and consolidate credit scores and weighting is represented in a score, which is taken as a reference by lenders to determine how risky a person is or not when she is going to grant a credit score. ready.

The multinational explains that even though the note gives a reference to the entities granting loans, "this does not mean that lenders read or access their full credit history, to establish more elements to determine whether they are safe. Whether or not they grant credit. "

Not All Negative

DataCredito Experian, Stresses That Credit History Reflects Colombian Positive and Negative Behavior .

"Today, contrary to what we generally think, the vast majority of information that is in DataCrédito Experian refers to positive payment habits, so it is far from To be a blacklist, "says the company.

He adds that credit history is "a very important tool that helps citizens access credit".

For TransUnion, having a positive credit history and experience increases the chances of receiving more credit. lines of credit

Default time

DataCrédito Experian explains that according to the law on habeas data, the residence time of the negative report is counted as follows:

Si the defect is less than 2 years, the stay will be twice the same, from the payment of the obligation. For example, if it lasted 2 months, the reporting time will be 4 months.

If the delay is equal to or greater than 2 years, the stay will be 4 years from the date of payment. For example, if it lasted 3 years, the negative data will remain for 4 years.

For information on arrears to be eliminated, it is necessary to pay the outstanding obligations. If the payment is never made, according to the Constitutional Court and the SIC, the negative data will remain in total 14 years.

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