The humanity consumes more than the Earth can renew in one year


This 1 August, the Earth will have reached its limit and it is estimated that humanity will have exhausted all the resources that nature can renew in one year, so that she will begin to live in debt.

Footprint Network highlights the above on his website, marking the first day of the month of August as " Earth Overshoot Day " or "Day of the Discovered". Earth".

In agreement with this NGO, for this 1st of August, humanity will have used more of the nature of what our planet can renew throughout the year. That day, it is estimated, we will consume what in theory should produce more than 1,7 Lands .


"Most wild marine areas could be lost at any time, because technological improvements allow us to fish more deeply," they explained

  Only 13% of the world's water Ocean remains intact   Only 13% of the ocean's water remains intact

It's because we use more resources and ecological services than nature can regenerate , because of overfishing, overexploitation of forests and the emission of more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that ecosystems can absorb.

As a result of this ecological "discovery" the costs to the Earth are evident in the world, and appreciates deforestation, shortage of freshwater, soil erosion, loss of biodiversity and the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

In this regard, the CEO and co-founder of Global Footprint Net Work Mathis Wackernagel, these facts are what accelerated the effects we know today like climate change.

According to data collected by Global Footprint Network, countries like Canada, United States, Mexico Spain, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Italy, the United States Germany, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, South Africa, Turkey, Arabia, India, China and Japan have an ecological deficit of -150 per cent .

This means that these nations consume together 1.5 times more than their fair share whereas only countries like Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Congo, Namibia and Madagascar are the Si the degree of damage that countries do to the world is measured by dimensions, the three countries that generate the most ecological footprint per global hectare are China, along with zinc. or a thousand 200 million hectares; United States, with two thousand 670 million acres; and India, with a thousand 450 million hectares.

In this list of carbon footprint Mexico occupies the ninth place with a footprint calculated in 320 million damaged hectares which he places the country above countries like the United Kingdom with 309 million hectares.


According to the UN, about 13 million tons of plastic are dumped in the oceans each year

  Every minute, a million plastic bottles are bought in the world   Every minute , they are bought In the world, a million plastic bottles

It is urgent to take responsible actions and actions that not only stop, but also reverse the ecological "discovered" to which we have subjected the planet, for which it is essential to move towards integral sustainability

In this sense, researchers from Global Footprint Network and Schneider Electric warned that it was possible to reverse the trend we are going to achieve at from the first of August.

In the information broadcast on the Foot Print Network portal, badured that if we returned " Earth Day Overdraft " five days a year, we would use the resources of less than The Planet for in the year 2050.

Of course, this should apply actions of all the inhabitants of the planet and could include actions as simple as "replacing 50% of the meat consumption in the world by a vegetarian diet. "


Roberto Astete and Cristian Olivares found the chemical formula to replace petroleum derivatives and create reusable and water-soluble plastic bags, the remaining liquid is" safe "and remains drinkable

  Chilean manufacturing bags plastic that dissolve in water and do not pollute   Chileans manufacture plastic bags that dissolve in water and do not pollute

This simple action could help move the date of "Discovery Day" by five days; the 50% reduction of the carbon component of the overall Ecological Footprint would displace the date of 93 days' Day of Discovery

Of course, other actions could include the inclusion of commercial technologies for buildings ] industrial processes and the production of electricity.

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