The incredible photographs of the Chiribiquete Natural Park – Environment – Life


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Courtesy of National Natural Parks

At session 42 of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO, held in Manama, Bahrain, on 1 July, Chiribiquete was approved to the World Heritage List Mixed, which means that there are protected values ​​not only natural but also cultural

With the kind permission of National Nature Parks

The Park protects more than fifty pictorial sites with no less than 70,000 archaeological drawings of high value that show moving human figures, defense weapons and animals.

Courtesy of Natural National Parks

Chiribiquete protects the territory of isolated indigenous peoples from the Uitoto, Carib and Arawak linguistic families (there are clues to the possible existence of 18 groups in the region), and with it its spaces of use, medicinal plants and artifacts of hunting, fishing, gathering and construction.

With the kind permission of National Nature Parks

Enlargement includes 8 sub-hydrographic zones (upper basins Guaviare, Itilla, Apaporis Alto, Ajaju, Tunia, high Yarí, Camuya and half Yarí) and the sources of the rivers that drain to the basins of the Orinoco and the Amazon. Chiribiquete currently provides 31% of the surface waters of the Amazon and the current water supply is estimated at 43,876 mm3

Courtesy of national parks

The park is home to 30% of the diversity of bats (58 species) and 10 percent of the known butterfly diversity in the country (209 species). It is also unique for its high level of endemism of amphibians and freshwater fish.

With the kind permission of the National Natural Parks

With this extension, the Serranía de Chiribiquete Natural Park becomes the largest protected area of ​​the Amazon, a message of conservation that the State Colombian sends to safeguard the natural and cultural wealth of Colombia

It is the largest continental protected area of ​​the country and the mixed heritage of mankind.

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