The information on journalists is precious: the Minister of Justice


Quito, July 26 (Andes) .- The Ecuadorian government announced on Thursday that declbadified information and delivered to families of the press team of El Comercio are valuable and bring elements to the investigation that will be conducted by the Special Follow-up (SEA) formed by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).

This delegation arrived Tuesday in Ecuador with the purpose of clarifying the abduction and subsequent killing of Ecuadorian communicators that occurred this year on the border between Ecuador and Colombia.

At a press conference, Justice Minister Alvarado explained that the documents given in May to parents contained all the information collected by the ministries that handled the case and presented the actions that were developed so that they come back alive in the country Javier Ortega (journalist), Paúl Rivas (photographer) and Efraín Segarra (conductor).

"Yes, there is relevant information, but let us not forget that there is some information, probably the investigation, in the hands of the Office of the Prosecutor General of the State ". parents that the documents "do not contain any confidential information".

According to Alvarado, parents will have full access to this information. by his lawyers. In addition, he confirmed that Edison Lanza, rapporteur of the IACHR, asked that the SEE have access to the information contained in the EGF.

#Quito > @alvaradorosana declared that the central government He badumed the responsibility of recovering the bodies, with the help of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

– ANDES (@andesecuador) July 26, 2018

He also explained that, in case of missing information, "there is no will have no problem filling out the documents "

He confirmed that, once the execution of the press team confirmed, on March 26, 2018, the Ecuadorian State ordered that the confidentiality of information is lifted and that citizens are fully aware of the measures taken.

Read: Relatives of murdered journalists gave information to the IACHR

He added that if there were errors in the process, "the national government was the first to badume the costs "and that the perpetrators the crime are members of the narco-crime. "The ESE will remain in Ecuador until Friday, July 27, and hold meetings with the authorities that were in charge of the case.

Minister Alvarado said that the state will provide all the facilities for the SEE to conduct the investigation

Lanza added that the fact is an emblematic case of Ecuador and that the IACHR recommends in these cases that working on public policies for the protection of high-risk journalists He added that the region is one of the most dangerous in the world to practice journalism.

At the press conference, the Minister of Communication, Andrés Michelena, stressed that the national government "will not allow any public body to hide information"

#Quito > Secretary of @ComunicacionEc @caanmichelena indicates that President Moreno follows the And his government will not allow him to not to hide or stop delivering some type of information.

– ANDES (@andesecuador) July 26, 2018

The relatives of the communicators have a vigil in memory for the day of the three communicators who were kidnapped and killed by front members Oliver Sinisterra.

Also read: Colombia sends alias "Cherry" in prison

la / yp

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