The legacy of Juan Carlos Osorio at the Mexican national team


With the elimination of Mexico, Juan Carlos Osorio would leave the national team to look for new projects.

The objective has not been reached. Once again, the Mexican national team remained in the round of 16 and the Colombian coaching process would be over, although the overall results balance was favorable.

With the exposure and positioning that his performance in Mexico Given, Osorio would have other representative options, mainly to take over the national team of his country. And the National Teams Directorate would be looking for its replacement for a new round.

For nearly three years (it was presented in October 2015), his management has been criticized for defeats in important matches, however, also points to some positives – such as the intense study of Mexican football and rivals – this could have continuity in the next project.


  Juan Carlos Osorio and Giovani Dos Santos Mexico 2018 Shortened distances. The technician has developed specific plans to monitor selected players in European football. The goal is to prevent them from losing physical fitness, especially when they have little activity with their teams, as this has happened with many of the most indisputable.

The results obtained from the designed application and communication with the technical and medical team were fundamental for the selection of the 23 players on the final list.


  Hirving Lozano and Juan Carlos Osorio Mexico 2018 During his tenure, several developing players received their first opportunity with Mexico. The most notable is Hirving Lozano who made his debut in February 2016 and in this World Cup, he scored the goal of the historic victory over Germany. At a young age, he added a championship in Eredivisie and is sought after by major clubs in the Old Continent.

Juan Carlos Osorio considers that the incorporation of Chucky to the representative was fundamental in his development. He was not the only one, he also added in this cycle to Edson Álvarez and Jesús Gallardo Mexican pledges of 20 and 23 years respectively, who have already faces triumph and defeat at the highest level. They aim to be guides to Qatar 2022.


  World Mexican Selection 2018 Mexico bid farewell to Brazil 2014 in the midst of a controversial arbitration. He failed to advance the knockout stages, a burden that has pbaded from generation to generation since 1986. Mexico had never won a win like the 7-0 against Chile in Copa America and after this historic event, they added a professional to his team.

Imanol Ibarrondo is the mental trainer of the national team since November 2016, his job is not that of a psychologist, but he is responsible for working with the players to make facing sporting challenges with great individual and collective confidence.

Both on the field and in front of the pickups, this selection is convinced. The players express the unity that exists in the work of all the staff and endorse it, despite the fact that constant rotations imply that some stay away.


  Omar Govea Selección Mexicana Until a few months ago, midfielder Jonathan González defended the USA jersey. Osorio managed to convince him to opt for Mexico before receiving an official appeal from the rival ; already started with the first team and continues its process with minor selections.
 As he did with him, <strong> followed players who could be part of the renovation of Qatar 2022: </strong><strong> </strong>  Omar Govea and Uriel Antuna. In addition to <strong> Víctor Guzmán </strong> who caused an injury due to injury, and <strong> Erick Gutiérrez </strong> emerging in the absence of Diego Reyes. </p>
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  Juan Carlos Osorio Mexico 2018 The tense relationship between the coaching staff and the press would be one of the main reasons for the technician to refuse to continue. His management has been criticized by rotations and the lack of transcendental victories, the opinion of fans is also polarized; but Juan Carlos Osorio avoided confrotations.

A characteristic point of his administration is to limit discussions and press conferences to questions of football. Unlike other processes, it stays out of the light and away from controversies that could affect the team.

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