The longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century? You will see it on Friday, July 27 – Vida Actual – Latest news from Uruguay and the world updated


The longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century, with a total of 102 minutes, can be observed on Friday, July 27, and was announced by the Los Molinos Astronomical Observatory of the Ministry of Education and Science. Culture (MEC).

In Uruguay, the phenomenon will begin with the moon below the horizon at 15:24 hours, but it will become visible from 18:00 with the eclipse to its maximum. "The moon is totally eclipsed," says Laura Maciel, member of the Observatory, at El País

After 6:13 pm the moon will start to shine again until 19:19, when the eclipse ends, he explained.

"To be able to see it, you have to be in a place that looks like it. is south-east, well cleared and can be seen at a glance without the need for instruments, "said Maciel, as long as it's not cloudy.

In Montevideo, for example, some favorable places are September 21 and Rambla Gandhi, the Oceanographic Museum (Rambla República de Chile 4215) and the Rambla República de México, in the region of Punta Gorda. On the other hand, Maciel said that it's a long eclipse since it will last 6 hours, although most is not visible to the naked eye. There are several eclipses of the moon throughout the year, You can see them from Uruguay. Because the next will have to wait a year: it will be in July of next year


The Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (IAC, in the Spanish archipelago in the Atlantic) will transmit it live from Namibia to by channel

The live broadcast of this total lunar eclipse will be performed in collaboration with the European project STARS4ALL and the HESS observatory High Energy, informed the IAC Friday through a press release.

Lunar eclipses occur when the Earth's satellite pbades through the Earth's shadow, which does not happen every month, because the Moon's orbit is inclined relative to that of the Earth. of the Earth-Sun (ecliptic). This eclipse can be observed from South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania, and during all this time it will be possible to verify that the moon does not disappear but acquires a reddish hue

ex it tends to about 80 kilometers beyond the diameter of our planet, acts as a lens that diverts sunlight.

At the same time, he effectively filters his blue components and lets only the red light reflected by the satellite. Thus, the moon acquires the characteristic coppery radiance, adds the IAC.

After two years without total eclipses of the Moon in Europe, on July 27, it will be possible to see the Red Moon, and it will be necessary to wait another six months. to repeat the experience, in January 2019, Miquel Serra-Ricart, astronomer of the IAC, commented in the statement

He added that in the show that will be made of Namibia, l & # 39; Darkness produced by the eclipse will reveal objects only visible from the sky. southern, like the clouds of Magellan

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