The Merlano network "was ready" for 2019


In the facilities of the Civic Center attended yesterday by seven representatives of local politics, involved in the investigation of the Prosecutor's Office called Operation "White House" I and II.

It was Vice President Margarita Balén; the excandidata in the House of Representatives, Lilibeth Llinás; the exconcejal Aissar Castro Reyes; his son, the current councilor Aissar Castro Bravo; Councilor Juan Carlos Zamora; the deputy Jorge Rangel Bello and Vicente Támara. They all arrived at the Justice and Peace Pavilion for being accused of crimes of bribery against suffragans and conspiracy to commit a crime as part of the process of the Office of the Prosecutor and for which he is behind bars Aida Merlano Rebolledo [19659003]. Audience, Andrés Camilo Rincón Bustos, Attorney General 197 National Directorate specialized sectional against human rights violations, explained to the single municipal criminal judge with safeguards control duties attached to Bacrim, Ricardo Méndez, l 39; hierarchical organization of participants in the company devoted to the alleged purchase of votes in favor of Aida Merlano.

According to the investigation of the Office of the Prosecutor, this crime occurred before the 2015 elections, with a permanence in time in the 2018 elections, and with "projection to take place in the elections of 2019 "

According to Rincón Bustos, the leaders of this organization would be Aida Merlano and Lilibeth Llinás, d under their authority in the hierarchical organization would be those cited yesterday by the Office of the Prosecutor, in addition to some 2000 people who have been named as leaders.

"They agreed to commit multiple crimes against the mechanisms of democratic participation and to attempt to prevent any other legal rights that might be necessary to achieve the purpose of this criminal enterprise," he said. the prosecutor. The investigation of the forensic experts of the prosecutor's office found evidence in the documents seized during raids on "The White House". on March 11 of this year, linked to the 2015 data. That is to say for the period 2016-2019, this organization He suggested that some politicians belonging to this "criminal enterprise" be elected as advisers or deputies by the department of Atlántico. "That is to say, the election of Mr. Juan Carlos Zamora and Mr. Aissar Gregorio Castro Bravo, Ms. Margarita Balén and Jorge Luis Rangel Bello as deputies … but not only them, too the politician Adalberto Llinás Delgado, brother of the accused Lilibeth Llinás and Mr. Carlos Rojano Llinás, who at that time aspired to the Barranquilla council, "added district attorney Rincón Bustos.

Regarding the last elections of March 11, 2018, the delegate of the investigating agency pointed out that This criminal group was able to position Senator Aida Merlano Rebolledo as Senator and Lilibeth Llinás Delgado as a representative in the House, for the Cambio Radical Party.

For the Office of the Prosecutor, in the future elections of 2019, this group sought to re-elect its members, plus the election of new members of this structure to strengthen the group.

Grupo Financiero

According to the prosecutor's office, "there were several financiers of the criminal structure, identifying mainly the entrepreneur Julio Gerlein Echeverría."

In investigations, the alleged criminal organization dedicated to the alleged corruption of the voter had a cyclical structure. "That is to say, despite the fact that in the elections of March 11, 2018, the visible heads were Aida Merlano and Lilibeth Llinás, those who benefited directly; In the 2015 elections, those who benefited and were the leaders were Juan Carlos Zamora, Aissar Castro Bravo, the deputies Margarita Balén Méndez, Jorge Luis Rangel, and still these were Edwin Martínez, Jefferson Viloria Niebles, and Evelyn Carolina Díaz, under them, the administrative staff, which includes the systems sector, security, logistics personnel, documents, data entry, payers, cashiers, support staff, administrators, etc. The accused [19659002] On the organization of work of the alleged vote buying system in favor of Aida Merlano, the prosecutor also explained that the alleged criminal enterprise had a management area, resources h umaines, a coordination, an administrative department, systems office, external staff and security sector.

Finally on the hierarchical scale of this organization, the prosecutor pointed out that there are thousands and thousands of voters. The Office of the Prosecutor managed to identify 10,008 people, who received money, and performed the tasks indicated by the leaders, exercising their right to vote for the aforementioned candidates in exchange for the money received .

19659002] According to the investigation by the judicial investigators and testimonies collected by the Office of the Prosecutor, the accused who served as coordinators in the alleged purchase of votes, recommended people who could work in the organization as "leaders". and have the ability to recruit a high number of voters.

Each of these leaders was badigned a coordinator, the leader had to approach the central command to receive instructions for the work to be done.

This instruction was given by the coordinators (yesterday imputed), and the same Aida Merlano, and Lilibeth Llinás.

They also delegated for this purpose or Mrs. Evelyn Carolina Díaz Díaz (transformed), aspiring leaders had to fill out an application form or an application form, where they provided personal data, photocopies of their citizenship forms.

In this process, the candidates indicated coordinator, that is, the trusted politician who recommended them and indicated the number of votes that they promised to the organization of the organization. 39; get.

Then the chief received a detachable checkbook and a strike to fill with the information of the voters. that he promised to obtain. "With this checkbook began its recruitment function," said the prosecutor.

"They took the voter data by embedding their fingerprints in the book, and a photocopy of the card.This work was called by the organization as work. he got the data from the elector, he promised the sum of 50 thousand pesos; After this promise, the chief had to return to the Central Command to report the voters recorded in the checkbook, "says the prosecutor Rincón Bustos.

When he was served at the Command, the coordinator who badisted him gave part of the check the book to get him to work reviewing this work.This way, he followed the process of capturing voters , according to the prosecutor.

After hearing the story of the reconstruction by the prosecutor's office of how this alleged criminal enterprise worked, none of the politicians quoted yesterday has accepted the charges for them. crimes of aggravated conspiracy and corruption in the subragante in homogeneous and successive competition.

The prosecutor's office asked Judge Bacrim, a measure of intramural insurance for the accused, that this measure will be maintained on Friday at 8:00 am in the Justice and Peace Room.

In detail

And the witness?

At the hearings yesterday, the Prosecutor did not mention the name of Francisco Palencia Borrero, a key witness in the following investigation against Senator Aida Merlano and who ensured the past July 25th which is threatened. Palencia Borrero said that he had started receiving death threats the day after his testimony in the High Court against Merlano. "I attribute any attack against my family nucleus to Aida Merlano Rebolledo, Margarita Balén, Aissar Castro, Juan Carlos Zamora, Aissar Castro Reyes and Vicente Támara." He affirmed in a dialogue with EL HERALDO that "I will continue until the end, despite the death threats against me". Palencia is considered by the prosecution as the key man to disclose to the Supreme Court of Justice the alleged modus operandi of Aida Merlano 's vote buying organization in recent years. elections of 11 March.

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