The message that Suso sent to Cristiano Ronaldo from James's mobile phone | ELESPECTADOR.COM


The presenter of the popular program Caracol Televisión took advantage of his visit to the house of James Rodríguez to send a message on WhatsApp to Cristiano Ronaldo.

From the house of James Rodríguez, on the outskirts of Medellín, the popular presenter of Suso's Show realized his dream of sending a message to football star Cristiano Ronaldo

James, who opened the doors of his house to Suso for an interview on the show, lent him his mobile phone to send him a voice message to Cristiano via Whatsapp

"Parcero J really like, whenever I want to invite Juventus there, good luck, "said Suso. "Let's hope he'll answer, tell him we're inviting him to the Suso Show," he added.

The player also showed the collections that he owns in the football museum of his house. For example, he still retains the ball with which he scored two goals against Uruguay in the round of 16 World Cup finals in Brazil, Chile's Copa América awards and of course Pony Fútbol's cups.

James also talked about the elimination of Colombia from the 2018 World Cup and its absence from England: "Against the 39, England we had a good game, we made it difficult.It is infuriating not to be able to be in a match as important, I could not for a small injury and I experienced him as a fan more. "

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