The ministers of Iván Duque have a technical profile and are veterans – Government – Politics


The ministerial cabinet of President Iván Duque began to take shape this Friday with names of experienced veterans, and, until now, none represents a bureaucratic quota other than Uribismo itself.

In addition to four confirmed appointments (Alberto Carrasquilla, Finance, Andres Valencia, Agriculture and Nancy Patricia Gutierrez, Interior, Carlos Holmes Trujillo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs), in two other portfolios, the names of future ministers are given as safe : Juan Pablo Uribe, Salud; and Guillermo Botero Nieto, Defense.

Duke spoke of a joint cabinet of men and women, but for now, men are winning. And, although he promised that 75% of them would be under the age of 45, all those who are announced exceed the age of 50.

The first names of Duque's cabinet aroused immediate reactions
Gustavo Petro complains that the very safe Minister of Defense, Guillermo Botero, current president of the merchants of the country, would not have invited him to forums
when he was a candidate. And he dared to pose, for that, risks for his life: "Can I guarantee my safety and that of my family at the head of a ministry that will become that of the war?" questioned Petro.

Polo Senator Jorge Enrique Robledo has already announced a political debate in Congress against the Minister of Finance, Alberto Carrasquilla, because he believes that he does not offer guarantees in the management of the economy.

There were supportive voices for prime ministers. Óscar Iván Zuluaga, former presidential candidate of Uribismo, said that the appointment of Carrasquilla is "a guarantee of a return to a fast-growing economy". And Rudolf Homes, predecessor of this one and who does not play in Uribism, was calm for the role that Carrasquilla will play in the direction of the economy: "In technical rigor " which makes it reliable. 19659005] Senator Carlos Fernando Galán described as "very successful" the appointment of Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez as Minister of the Interior, the first woman in the history of Colombia to hold this position. And Juan Camilo Restrepo, former chief government negotiator at the table with ELN, also claimed that he finds the nomination of Andrés Valencia as Minister of Agriculture very successful.

First woman

The Department of the Interior will take over Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez a fierce political leader of the uribista incoming, originally from Girardot, Cundinamarca, who because of his political experience could be a very reliable letter for the new government.
The Agriculture portfolio will be led by the economist Andrés Valencia Pinzón who has extensive experience in agriculture and is president of the National Federation of Poultry Breeders (Fenavi).

Up to now, this designation is one that has sparked less controversy among the public, since Valencia has achieved very good results at the head of Fenavi and has a technical profile .

There you will face the challenge represented by the Free Trade Agreement with New Zealand and Australia the main countries in the production of meat and products dairy.

"If we open the doors, they will put an end to these economic activities," said Gilberto Botero, executive director of the Federation of Municipalities. These two mandates add to that of Alberto Carrasquilla as Minister of Property, announced last Wednesday.

Carrasquilla, of conservative, orthodox cut in the management of the economy, had already led this portfolio under the government of Alvaro Uribe (2003-2007), in which he promoted reforms of the economy. 39, fiscal and labor order. He is an experienced leader, with a technical rigor, refused improvisations.

In addition, Duque formalized the appointment of Gloria Alonso as the new director of the National Department of Planning. The president described it as "one of the best-trained economists in our country." A woman made to beat. "

Although it's not official, the Ministry of Defense appears to be 39, he will be badumed by Guillermo Botero Nieto, president of the merchants of the country for 12 years, entrepreneur and consecrated trade union leader. Although Duque has not yet decided on this, the Conservative Party has confirmed it through his official Twitter account, baduming it almost as his own.

Botero, conservative spirit, strong sense of authority and fluid speech, a bitter critic of Gustavo Petro during the presidential campaign.


The reins of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be headed by Carlos Holmes Trujillo, with all the confidence in the Democratic Center.

His CV appears to have been made for this post: he was Ambbadador of Colombia to the UN, the OAS and the European Union, as well as the governments of Russia and of Austria

. confirmed by Duque is given as safe for his cabinet is that of Juan Pablo Uribe, director of the Santa Fe Foundation, who would be Minister of Health. He was deputy minister of health under the government of Andres Pastrana and was a big critic of intermediation in the health system.

With these six possible ministerial appointments is described what would be a government with a profile more than any technique

The other names that could complete a part of the cabinet are those of Jonathan Malagón for housing , Alicia Arango for Culture, Claudia Jiménez or Eva María Uribe for Minas and Jorge Mario Eastman for the post of Secretary General of the Presidency. The bureaucratic quotas

On several occasions, Iván Duque mentioned having the freedom when appointing his ministerial cabinet, since he did not submit to any type of agreement bureaucratic during his campaign.

In an interview with Yamid Amat for El Tiempo in June, said that he did not accept the conversations "of any kind of political support based on a bureaucratic distribution, but on the basis of the 39, support for a vision of the country ".
Of the six known names, no bureaucratic quota is yet to be seen.

However, many of them are characterized by being close to Uribismo, mainly Carrasquilla, Gutiérrez and Trujillo.

Duque will be in Miami

President-elect Iván Duque returned Friday in Miami (United States) to continue with the progress of the bilateral agenda with that country.

There, he will meet North American congressmen close to Uribismo like Senator Marco Rubio, he will participate in interviews for international channels and attend a meeting with members of his Democratic Party Center. Duque will be accompanied by Carlos Holmes Trujillo, new head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The return flight is scheduled for the same afternoon in Bogota.


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