The MIO strengthens its bus fleet as part of an environmental proposal


52 vehicles equipped with Euro5 technology guarantee a reduction of pollutant emissions of 90%.

With equipped for 50 persons air conditioning accessibility for persons with reduced mobility and 90% reduction in the emission of gaseous pollutants : thus are 52 double-feed buses that in the next few months will enter to reinforce the roads of Cali public transport system as indicated Wednesday in the presentation of the prototype of these vehicles to the public.

The presentation ceremony was presided over by the Mayor of the City, Maurice Armitage ; the president of Metro Cali, Nicolás Orejuela ; and the director of Blanco and Negro Masivo, Eduardo Bellini ; who explained the benefits of these new buses and how they would improve the transportation service.

"The buses that we present today to the city conform to the environmental protection Mercedes-Benz which conforms to the protocol Euro5 ( means that it has a particulate filter for the control of particulate emissions and gaseous pollutants) which guarantees reduction in the amount of oil. emission of 90% polluting gases These are buses that allow us to directly access the users, they are double, which means that can take someone in the neighborhoods and then enter in the main lines to reach headquarters or terminals "he said Orejuela

He added that the 52 double buses will come into service in about 90 days, at which time it will be possible opening of the offer for the acquisition of 424 additional buses for the MIO is also envisaged, which means that for mid 2019 Cali will have this number of new vehicles rolling in the system.

"At this moment, the MIO has less than 700 buses circulating .We have planned that Cali must have 1400 buses on foot.This is composed completing the initial fleet of four operators who are 980 buses, many of them stranded .We have to allow the 300 buses that are unemployed for service.That, by adding these 52 double buses, plus 424 buses We will have 1400 buses for Cali, the user will be able to enjoy it more frequently, leave his neighborhood more quickly and benefit from good service.That's what we want accomplish, "said the local president.

In turn, Bellini pointed out that this new investment made by Black and White Mbadive is a clear demonstration of the company's commitment with the l & # 39; improvement of the public transport service in Cali. "The transportation will improve as more buses can be added and this will only be possible if the contract is economically viable. The mayor understood that the contracts were not viable, we had received only 60% of what we had offered, and thanks to the recovery route the contracts could be modified to make it viable , by payment per kilometer traveled then this gives the guarantee to the operator to go out to provide the service and will be paid according to this service. "

In the presentation of the prototype, the Mayor took the opportunity to announce that in the coming weeks would be the signing of the renegotiation of the MIO's concession contracts with the two operators who have not yet accepted the bailout (Git Masivo y Unimetro) designed by Metro Cali, the municipality and the National Government

"After a hard struggle, I believe we have already managed to understand with the four operators. The two original operators, Blanco y Negro and ETM accompanied us in the service and that is why I must thank them publicly. They are Cali operators and they did not leave us alone. I believe that the other two operators will sign, in the coming weeks, and we will be able to complete the system, "said Armitage

Nicolás Orejuela concluded by ratifying the importance of new contractual agreements for dealers as for users. "In recent years it has been said that there were no operators willing to inject more money into the system. Today we have a new fleet that will begin to circulate and it is a call and a starting point that this rescue plan is just, vision and a clear goal that is to improve the conditions for citizens, "he said. [ad_2]
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