The Moon was home to life 4 billion years ago


Schulze-Makuch and Ian Crawford, scientists at the University of London, support the hypothesis that the moon hosted life 4 billion years ago, starting from the beginning. a slow degbading process that has resulted in the creation of a favorable environment for

According to experts, in the process of releasing large quantities of volatile gases overheated by intense volcanic action, including the steam of steam. water and that, over time, have become charcos which, with a rather dense atmosphere, has helped to possibly harbor some kind of minimal life.

This hypothesis was the result of meticulous badysis of previous space missions and lunar materials such as rocks. Scientists have verified through these sources that the moon is not as dry as we thought.

But these scientists have more support for their hypothesis; in 2009, an international team of experts discovered a large number of ice caps on the lunar surface, and recent studies prove the existence of water in the mantle of the natural satellite of the Earth.

It is likely that the Moon would have had some type of magnetic field capable of protecting the minimal life forms of constant and violent solar winds.

As explained by Schulze-Makuch, it would be very possible that the origin of life on the moon would come from a collision with a meteorite as it is formulated the beginning of life on the Earth. He adds that "it is possible that meteorites containing simple organisms such as cyanobacteria have been expelled from the surface of the Earth and reach the Moon."

It must be remembered that the most credible evidence of such a terrestrial case shock, come from cyanobacteria fossils that date from 3,500 to 3,800 million years ago.

The possibility of obtaining tangible samples of lunar material from this period of volcanic eruption is studied to badyze whether it contains some traces of water in its composition.

Writing NTN24

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