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"I'm going to subscribe to Netflix, in the end it only costs 109 pesos a month." How many have not been there? But to that, we must add Spotify Premium, HBO Go, Amazon Prime …

In the end, these "109 pesitos" become a lot more, and the worst thing is that we do not realize it, as the 39 revealed a survey conducted in the United States by Waterstone Management Group.

According to the results, 84% of consumers underestimate monthly expenses, which include meeting requests, pay TV and the Internet.

Respondents thought they would spend about $ 111 a month for profitable services, but when they detailed the expenses, they realized that they were spending about $ 237, that is, more than doubled.

The study also reveals that customers are satisfied with their services, despite the cost of each of them, especially with Amazon Prime, which costs $ 119 per year (in Mexico, the service costs 449 pesos the first year, later he raises to 899 pesos).

Now, what can we learn from our neighbors? First, consider all the services you have and see how much you spend per month. If it's more than expected, eliminate those you do not need or go to a more economical plan to save a little.

Finally, we leave you the monthly prices of some popular streaming video and music services in Mexico, in its basic form:

– Netflix: 109 pesos per month

– Prime Video: includes with Amazon Prime subscription (449 pesos the first year)

– blim: 109 pesos

– HBO Go: 149 pesos

– video Claro: 69 pesos a month

– Spotify Premium: 99 pesos a month

– Apple Music: 99 pesos a month

Note about the movie: The price of all streaming video in Mexico (2018)

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