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The corpses of the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Luis Gneiting, and three other officials were rescued after an operation that put Paraguay in suspens, after the disappearance of the small plane in which they traveled and their subsequent discovery in a marshy area of ​​the country. President Horacio Cartes, very close to Gneiting, whom he appointed minister last May, said three days of mourning for the deceased, as well as Congress, where he had been a deputy. The other occupants of the twin engine were: vice-minister of livestock Vicente Ramírez; the official Luis Charotti and Gerardo López, who was the pilot and had been deputy minister of Agriculture


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recommended to the Chinese government to lead the defense of the free- exchange and
of global multilateralism in the midst of growth
trade tensions with the United States.
In the current context, China should play a leading role in demonstrating that it is an advocate of free trade for its own sake, "said James Daniel, head of the IMF's mission to China during 39, a press conference in Washington EFE

More than 700 migrant children, who were separated from the adult with whom they crossed the United States from Mexico, will not be handed over to their families before Thursday as ordered by a federal judge (DOJ) noted in a document filed in court
of San Diego that 1,820 children were released by the Bureau
Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Of this total, 1,420 were reunited with their parents in the premises of the ICE immigration police and 378 were released under "other circumstances", such as those given to a police officer. family member or a representative other than the father

Amazon Amazon won in the first half of the year $ 4.163 million, a figure that is more than four times greater than its net profit obtained in the same stretch of 2017, which got 921 million. The company headed by Jeff Bezos has realized until June a net turnover of $ 103,928 million, up 41% from the 73,669 million recorded in the first half of 2017.


Experts from the Urban and Environmental Studies Center (Urbam) of Medellín (photo) advised the Government of Costa Rica to advance projects and an urban transformation strategy. Representatives of Urbam, which is part of the Eafit University, Medellín, will be until this Friday in a workshop in which the Presidential Council of Humanitarian Articulation of
Costa Rica seeks to define its working strategy


The authorities of the Caribbean resort of Cancún found, abandoned, four sacks with the remains of at least two men, informed the Attorney General of the Mexican State of Quintana Roo. The bags were found on the streets of a residential housing estate in Cancun, the prosecution said, confirming that he had opened an investigation into the killing of these two people.


Intel Corporation reported obtaining net profits of $ 9.460 million in the first half of this year, 63.3% more than in the same period of the previous year, [19459059 when he earned $ 5,772 million.
Between January and June, Intel posted net earnings per share of $ 1.98, compared to $ 1.19 per share for the same period in 2017, which represents a 66% increase in share price.

EFE [19659026] The Minister of Public Order of Greece, Nikos Toskas, stated that "signs of criminal acts" were found in two of the serious fires that ravaged the area of ​​Attica since Monday, and caused dozens of deaths. "There are serious signs of criminal energy, but investigations are under way," said Toskas, who added that a "suspicious find" had been found at Mati, the place where all deaths were recorded.

EL TIEMPO [19659028] I Brazilian medical institutions have alerted the public and health professionals about the "real possibility of the return of polio" and the new "emergency" that measles poses "on the national territory"
The Brazilian Pediatric Societies (SBP), Immunizations (SBIm) and Infectology (SBI), in collaboration with the Rotary International organization, have also urged Brazilians to be vaccinated to contain the measles outbreak that has emerged in the north of the country and prevent appearance


French President Emmanuel Macron appreciated the dialogue between the United States and the European Union, but rejected the negotiation of a "broad trade agreement" before the current absence of a context of balance and reciprocity. Macron has referred to a joint press conference with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, to the trade agreement announced by Donald Trump and the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, to whom the government French had already expressed his

One of the major problems was that the President of the French Republic rejected the trade agreement between the EU and the United States.

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