The Movistar team explained why he could not help Nairo after his puncture


The Colombian cyclist Nairo Quintana lost this Saturday 1 "15" compared to the race leader, his compatriot Fernando Gaviria then in the absence 3.4 kilometers to the goal suffered a puncture in both tires.

This situation was not in the plan of the Colombian, who hopes to get the victory in this edition of the Movistar's sports director Eusebio Unzué spoke of the situation and stated that was a very difficult start.

" We have a significant loss of time, but the best of Alejandro himself (Valverde) has not fallen, from now on we already know a little about the Tour and I've already seen that several rivals also felt it [19659004]"said the Spanish Unzué

Of the complication that had the Colombian N airo Quint ana Unzué badured that it was a puncture a few meters from the goal and that this could undoubtedly be done to change the plane that was originally with l & rsquo; # 39; team.

" There were five or six falls in the last six or seven kilometers and in one of those we had (José) Rojas." In the other, it was not a fall, but she could not be saved. island, the two wheels were broken and it was a shame because it was below the goal ", said Unzué.

Of support for Nairo, who for many years Null on the part of his teammates Eusebio Unzué said that the cyclist who had to change the bicycle was José Rojas, but having fallen a few kilometers back, this prevented help for Nairo was faster.

" The worst was that the man who was waiting to change the bicycle was Rojas and he was the one who fell [19459005theproblemisthatwealsocamewiththevehiclesand] This lost a lot of time to Nairo ", said Movistar's sports director.

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