The national government creates measures against the murder of leaders, will they be sufficient? | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


Tuesday, after a wave of badbadinations of social leaders in the country, the President of the Republic, Juan Manuel Santos, announced a "shock plan" with multiple measures to stem this phenomenon that has so much affected

Decisions were made after the establishment of a committee of electoral guarantees bringing together representatives of state entities, a part of the government team and members of organizations defense of human rights.

At the end of the meeting, the president stressed that governors and mayors should do more and help the national government to fight against this phenomenon. "Here we have to work more closely with them and also badign them special responsibilities," said Santos, referring to the involvement of territorial entities, governors and mayors.

For Jorge Restrepo, director of the Conflict Analysis Resource Center (CERAC), the measures announced by the president are enough to try to combat this phenomenon in what remains of the presidential period in Santos.

"These are measures that not only have the participation of the government, but also the Office of the Prosecutor, the Office of the Ombudsman, the Office of the Prosecutor and it is essential. Orus Plan expansion, the creation of the mechanism in the rapid intervention police, seem to me to be sufficient and necessary measures to deal with the problem and for a government that still has four weeks.It also shows that up to At the last moment he does what it takes to deal with the violence, "says Restrepo

but for Ariel Ávila, deputy director of the Peace and Reconciliation Foundation, these are temporary measures that" do not solve the underlying question. "The underlying theme is to stop the killing and to create protective mechanisms for leaders. judiciarization, that is, the Office of the Prosecutor does not advance Investigations only if it can be stopped, not before.

Guillermo Rivera states that the Attorney General's Office provided a detailed report of the results of the investigations conducted during the commission in which it is established that there is a rate of illumination of about 50%. "There are already a significant number of material and intellectual authors identified among criminal organizations.The one who receives the most homicides from the Office of the Prosecutor is the Gulf clan."

Most the great doubt that arises about this shock plan announced by the government is linked to the continuity of the next mandate, because the elected president Iván Duque was invited to this commission, but he did not participate.

For Restrepo, it is "regrettable that even a new government did not attend such meetings to know the situation and the discovery of the situation (…) it was not a decision-making meeting, decisions are made by the government with state entities. "

However, the director of CERAC adds that they also understand the No help from the new government who claimed that the sending of someone could have been considered a designation of someone for a ministerial position.

Avila argued Since the non-participation in the event demonstrates the level of commitment of this issue and adds to the next government, it would be good to maintain the agenda set by the Santos government to fight against the murder of social leaders, but it is necessary to intellectual writers and this must be done by Colombian justice. "


Among the measures announced by the President, the National Protection Unit will be strengthened with more resources for collective risk studies., Develop individual patterns and speed up the implementation of the collective risk road

"We will strengthen the National Protection Unit. You are owed 50,000 million pesos, and I asked the Ministry of Finance to move them today. The unit has done a good management but it is overwhelmed, so we said to give more resources and we will also strengthen the implementation of the collective risk road, "said the president.

Another measure is to speed up and expand the program of collective security measures, adding the municipalities of Corinto, Cáceres, El Bagre, Buenaventura, Quibdó and Tame.Also, the President has ordered the creation of a an urgent 30-day intervention plan under the auspices of the Ministry of Defense for the areas most affected by these events: Cauca, Antioquia, Norte de Santander, Valle, Risaralda, Nariño, Córdoba and Chocó. Defense, according to the president, the rapid response instrument that currently serves alerts generated by the ombudsman's office will be strengthened as part of the system of prevention and warning created in the peace agreement. From e, it was ordered to create a single complaint window within the Ministry of the Interior through a rapid information line about threats against social leaders and rights defenders of the man. rewards for all information that identifies those responsible for attacks against social leaders and human rights. These rewards will be greater for the identification of the intellectual authors of these crimes.

Similarly, Santos said that investigations will be initiated inside the Public Force because corruption is brought inside them to reinforce the "mafias" that are at the origin of the badbadination of social leaders


Despite these measures, he remained on the table that he had not still exact number of leaders killed, how many are threatened and the causes of these events, because the different entities of the state handle different data.

According to Guillermo Rivera, Minister of the Interior, for this case, the president asked him to validate the work. verification that the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights performs on the ground, because of a neutral entity.

Ot The outstanding issues after this meeting are related to the alleged persecution of social leaders related to the Humana Colombia, a movement represented by former presidential candidate Gustavo Petro.

A group of representatives of the organization had informed President Santos of his concern about the situation by letter. "Between March 11, the official date of the beginning of political campaigns for the first round of presidential elections on May 27, 2018 and the second round on June 17, 2018, and July 7, more than 50 violent deaths of social leaders or defenders of human rights, including several local leaders and active members of the Gustavo Petro campaign in different parts of the country, in addition to numerous threats. "

" We will establish a direct communication with Colombia Humana to find out what is happening with a kind of persecution that has been generated against the leaders of this political movement.I will be the official responsible for establishing the dialogue with them, "said Rivera, referring to the issues raised by Colombia Humana.

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