The pleasure is over, Raul arrived and ordered to stop


The famous trova of Carlos Puebla, whose chorus is repeated throughout the song, says: "The pleasure is over, the Comandante has arrived and he has ordered to stop", he was referring to the decision of the revolution to end the guachafita of Batista. of relaxation, brothels, casinos and permanent rejoicing, in front of the beginning of a revolutionary transformation that would change all this in favor of the people

Sixty years later, given the failure of communism in the world and Raúl Castro realizes that these archaic theses ended with his country, sent to stop this madness and aims to produce such a radical change that, in the constitutional reform proposed in the National Assembly, the word " communism "is removed from the text and replaced by a long string of words that ultimately mean that change is coming and that those who have opposed it since 1959 were right in this folly of attributing to a failed regime

. The new text that was drafted, approved unanimously and will be submitted to referendum in August, which everyone knows will be approved, says: "Serecoge several forms of ownership, including the socialist of all peoples the mixed and the private, in correspondence with the conceptualization of the model of Cuban social and economic development and the guidelines of the economic and social policy of the party and the revolution.It does not deny material wealth, but its concentration. …) On the private property of the land a special regime is maintained and the preferential right of the state to its acquisition through its fair price and … blah, blah, blah. "

Nothing, which begins an unstoppable process towards the market society, as they have already done Chinese and Vietnamese, because there is no alternative.

Of course, in Cuba, things must be done with great discretion, to give the reason, sixty years later, to all those convinced Cubans. that communism would be a resounding failure, it is really difficult. Do you know, dear reader, what is the meaning of giving reason to those who were shot in the first years of the revolution, prisoners and exiles who are numbered in millions?

That is why Raúl does it gradually and with concealment: it begins by decreeing a Law of creation of the Exclusive Economic Zone of Mariel, that suppresses to all this region of the communist legislation, to open the island foreign investment; but since investors are not idiots and know that the Constitution is above any special legislation, then it was necessary to produce the constitutional reform that will open the doors of Cuba to capital investment from all over the world. Then he placed a young man in front of the state who did not participate in these extreme purges, as Miguel Mario Diaz Canel

Raúl could not do it directly, because he was giving reason to his enemies who sacrificed: Huber Matos, Humberto Sori, Rolando Cubela, Menoyo Eloy Gutiérrez, Carlos Franqui, director of the first official newspaper and Guillermo Cabrera Infante, the most outstanding leader of the non-Communist leftist intelligentsia, died in exile. Oh, and by the way, no one was Batista and opposed, risking their lives, to this real tyranny.

Of course, do it in the blink of an eye is to agree with Manuel Urrutia, the first president of the revolutionary government, who opposed the communist turn was rejected by Fidel. They also give the reason, sixty years later, to the lawyer José Miró Cardona, militant of the Movement of 26 July and Prime Minister of the new regime until his communist turn, when he resigned and allowed Fidel to position itself in this position. Roberto Agramonte, first Chancellor before Raúl Roa and also brother Raúl Chibás of the famous leader of the opposition against Batista, is also recognized.

Now, what we want to achieve is this: it's all very well that in Cuba all that entanglement or unraveling of a communist regime, enshrined in its Constitution, which is now starting to to release these moorings, takes place, but here in Venezuela, where the word communism does not appear anywhere in the constitutional text, it has been shown time and time again that this way of driving the country was a disaster of colossal proportions So, I say, what is waiting for this government, which is gradually falling, every day, by the popular clamor and anguish, stop bullshit and give a 180-degree turn to this policy of economic freedom, which starve Venezuela?

They convened a congress of the PSUV, we will see I will become the haraquiri or produce the change of course expected, not to be victorious but not to starve at least the people that they claim to represent.

Capitalism or death is the slogan of the comrades, they say Chinese, Vietnamese, now Cuban and I hope the PSUV too. It is that your boss has ordered to stop and you can not be more papist than pope Raul … I say it.

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