The President of Nicaragua refuses to hold elections


Daniel Ortega would not be willing to step down from his post and hold elections, a request made by civil society after almost three months of a violent crisis. He described his opponents as golpistas.

The president appealed to the Nicaraguan Constitution, which provides for elections every five years, to refuse to advance the elections.

"Here the rules are established by the Constitution of the Republic, through the people, the rules can not come to change them overnight because they have appeared to a group of putschists", declared Ortega.

Ortega baderted that his government will continue to "fight for peace so that these places disappear from all over Nicaragua, those points where crimes are committed every day, which are justified by those who want to turn Nicaraguans into slaves." 19659003]

The president also had words for bishops, who act as mediators in the national dialogue between the government and the Civic Alliance that represents the people, to overcome the crisis.

"Those who cast curses and condemn us to death in the name of religious institutions, who remember Christ, have commanded us to love one another, and this has been our effort in Christian, socialist and religious practice. solidarity, "condemned Ortega.

In his speech, the Nicaraguan president blamed the deaths of protesters on people allegedly paying gang members "for the evil", and accused the civic protests of being "centers of" torture , terrorism ". the opposite of the denunciations made to it by the population and by national and international humanitarian agencies.

The crisis in Nicaragua began on April 18 with protests against social security reforms, but became a national clamor when the crackdown of the authorities began to claim dozens of lives of protesters, who have become according to several NGOs , hundreds of illegal arrests and cases of torture were committed, as well as thousands of cases of torture.

To the clamor of thousands of Nicaraguans for an advance of the elections was attached a formal request from the Nicaraguan Bishops' Conference (CEN) to anticipate the elections to next March, which was joined by the Secretary General of the United Nations. Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, various nations and recently the own brother of Ortega, retired General Humberto Saavedra.

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