The president of the Congress would have validated his baccalaureate in Icfes


In recent days, the new president of the Congress, Ernesto Macías Tovar, has been strongly criticized for his ability to perform this function in the nation's capital, after rumors circulated in social networks questioning the veracity of his bachelor's degree.

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In this regard, during an interview with W Radio, Macias clarified that "due to certain circumstances of life" he entered in politics while he was still very young and he agreed that he did not finish his high school studies. "I validated my bachelor's degree at Icfes, it's more clarity," he said. In addition, he badured that at that time this study could be approved by the presentation of the state examination and that he does not know if this figure can still be done.

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] For Macías, the rumors that questioned his studies could have begun when he denounced the alleged irregularities in the management of the former Attorney General of the nation, Eduardo Montealegre. According to the version of Ernesto Macías, the prosecutor's badistant "took out this story" and the issue reached the Supreme Court of Justice, where he was accused for the alleged false of his diploma.

The new president of the Congress was born in the municipality of Garzón, Huila, studied social communication at the Cooperativa University of Bogotá and belongs to the party of the Democratic Center