The prosecutor will charge the ELN massacre in Algeria, Cauca – Crimes – Justice


In addition, the Attorney General spoke of progress in the investigation of crimes against social leaders.

  Mbadacre in Algeria, Cauca

Measures to increase the mbadacre in Algeria, Cauca.


July 19, 2018, 12:40 pm

The Office of the Attorney General of the Nation will lodge a complaint against six leaders of the front of José María Becerra del Eln, for their alleged participation in the murder of seven persons, which occurred on July 3 in the Rural Zone. Algeria (Cauca). Among those killed, it was established that two of them were suspected FARC dissidents

From Popayán, during the installation of the tenth day anti-corruption, the Attorney General of the Nation, Nestor Humberto Martinez Neira, said: with technical and undeniable evidence "there is full responsibility for these facts at the head of the ELN.

The Office of the Prosecutor before the judges of knowledge, so that this mbadacre does not remain unpunished

"There may be badertions they are not responsible for this crime, but the justice has all the evidence to present them, through the prosecutor's office in front of the judges of knowledge, so that this mbadacre does not go unpunished, "said Attorney General Martínez Neira spoke of the murders of social leaders so far this year.

According to the agency, survey, based on information from the official Derec Platform reports. Human Hos, the United Nations and national authorities, 24 leaders killed this year.

"We must acknowledge that at the Office of the Prosecutor we managed to identify the perpetrators of these murders by 54%. This is an unprecedented thing in action criminal conducted by this authority, "said the Prosecutor to point out that it is a historical result.

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