The reason why Wikipedia in Spanish does not work


"Defend an Open Network", that is the title by which Wikipedia in Spanish changed the search results of its users until this Thursday when the European Parliament votes on a proposal for reform of 39, a law on the right of author.

The Wikimedia Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes Wikipedia, is the leader of the event and invites users to call MPs or write them on their web pages and social networks to express their disagreement with the proposal. ; In addition to asking them to use the #SaveYourInternet label.

According to a statement released by the digital encyclopedia addressed to its "esteemed readers", if this reform proposal is approved, "the open internet that we know today would be seriously damaged". The reasons they give are that they will impose new filters, barriers and restrictions to access the Web. If the proposal were approved in its current version, actions such as sharing a news item on social networks or accessing via a search engine would become more complicated on the Internet; Wikipedia itself would be in danger. "

Wikipedia says that since 2013, the European Union has been asked to adapt copyright management to the digital age, but in a way that protects creators from One of the proposals that has emerged is "the extension of panorama freedom for the whole of the European Union." In this regard, it is envisaged that, for example, The publication of images of publicly accessible buildings is illegal in many countries of the European Union and, as such, it is possible to use and reuse them. forbidden to download them in the digital encyclopedia is that in some buildings, architecture and works of art are protected by copyright.

The Wikipedia event in Spanish has also been attached in French and in Italian 19659006] / * [ad_2]
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