The Santa Fe Bridge of Antioquia must be closed due to wear


In total, there will be three closures to be made to improve the structure of the bridge. The Santa Fe Bridge of Antioquia should be closed due to wear.

Devimar's general manager, Jesús Rodríguez Robles, told El Colombiano that he would focus on improving the structure.

Mooring should be replaced. bridge, which are worn and do not perform the function that corresponds to them.

"The elements to be replaced are the pins, metal cylinders that serve to connect and transmit the efforts of the bridge's metal structure to the foundation's support.", Robles told the same newspaper.

In addition, the director indicated that work will also be done on the asphalt of the bridge which presents remarkable damage.

For now carriers and residents who use the bridge will be the most affected with the closure.


Three road closures of the Santa Fe bridge in Antioquia are needed to repair the structure.

In total there will be 144 hours They have the operators of the concession to do the work

The closures are scheduled from 15 to 17 and from 29 to 31 August.

The investment for repair is 600 billion pesos.


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