The seats of the party Farc, as we shall see


In the midst of a historic episode, on July 20, only seven of the ten demobilized members of the FARC Revolutionary Alternative Force (FARC), expected to hold five seats in the Senate and five in the House, under the Peace Accord, they arrived at the Congress facility 2018-2022.

Pablo Catatumbo, Carlos Antonio Lozada, Victoria Sandino and Sandra Ramírez were present from the upper house, and Marcos Calarcá, Jairo Quintero and Olmedo Ruiz were from the lower house.

Sucreño Jesús Santrich could not go to the House because he is in prison, Iván Márquez did not go to the Senate for solidarity with Santrich and for "the lack of guarantees". Byron Yepes did not go to the lower house for health reasons

If Márquez does not show up and stays in Miravalle, Caquetá, his replacement would be next on the list, which is Barranquilla Israel Alberto Zúñiga Iriarte , known as Benkos Biohó, who commanded the 34th Front in Urabá

Special Justice for Peace (JEP) said last week not having the power to rule on the permit application that asked Santrich's defense that she take possession as a legislator and the prosecutor's office also denied him his release.

If Santrich can not appear, as seems to be the case, his case will be sent back to the State Council for it to decide the cause of the loss of the investiture. ] It is because Article 183 of the Constitution says that: "Members of Congress will lose their nomination (…) for not taking office within eight days of the date of the election." or the date on which they were called to take possession. "Deadline to be respected by the end of next week

In this regard, the Secretary General of the Senate, Gregorio Eljach, had declared to journalists that anyone who does not appear on that date would be reported to the highest administrative court

. The replacement of Santrich, on the list in the House by the Atlantic, is the Benedicto González momposino, aka Alirio Córdoba, who was the political leader of the Caribbean Bloc 'Martín Caballero'.

And, finally, Byron Yepes, said that he will not take up his representative duties in the House of Bogota, for health reasons, and that his post will be held by Carlos Alberto Carreño Marín, known as the name of Sergio Marín, economist at the National University.


Five days ago, by an open letter, Márquez warned that: "Three circumstances were insurmountable in my possession."

The first is the process that "today has unfairly behind the bars of Jesus Santrich and between life and death in the peace process." The second, "awesome disfigurement of the special justice for peace, EHD ". And the third, the fact that "we nowhere see the determination to comply with key issues of agreement such as political reform."

The ex-demobilized guerrilla has already experienced a similar situation in the midst of the peace process. Murder later from the Patriotic Union, UP, in the eighties. Then, in 1986, Márquez was elected representative by this community, but the genocide of the militants, including members of the congress of that party that had signed the agreements, made it back to camouflage.

Exactly, on October 11, 1987, then commander of the Farc, Jacobo Arenas, called Márquez and told him to return immediately to La Uribe, Meta. On the same day, Jaime Pardo Leal, former presidential candidate of the UP, was murdered in 1969.

His first name is Luciano Marín Arango and he was born in Florencia, Caquetá, on June 16, 1955. , was commander of the Caribbean bloc and member of the Farc Secretariat, and head of the Havana peace delegation. In 1977, he joined the Communist Youth, studied law in the former Soviet Union and joined the Front Farc 14 in 1985.

About Marquez, 73 arrest warrants for various crimes and attacks , including the mbadacre of 35 people in 1994 in the district of La Chinita in Apartadó, Antioquia; the aggression of the Miraflores building in Neiva in July 2001 and the attack of El Nogal Club, for which he was sentenced to 40 years in prison.

The Santrich Affair

Since the end of June run the 120-day period that the CEP must establish if the crimes for which the United States accuse the United States of America. ex-guerrilla sugarño were committed before or after the signing of the peace agreement with the FARC, signed on December 1, 2016. [19659002] This, after the Constitutional Court clarified that the CEP had not this competence that before the request for extradition and also after the regulation of the transitional justice system in Congress, it even removed the court of the peace the possibility of decreeing evidence In this regard, he specified that he could not decide in depth on the extradition requests.

While the government respected the North American court's judicial decision and the arrest ordered by the Office of the Prosecutor With the request of Interpol, there is still uncertainty about what the FARC will be able to to do if they are extradited by one of its leaders and negotiators, who would accompany the extradited Simón Trinidad, to pay a fine ranging from 10 years in prison to

Santrich, for his part, says that It is a montage of North American and right-wing political forces to try to end the peace process. The spokespersons of the Farc coincide with the sugar. But the Democratic Center, which will become a government in two weeks, will guarantee the sending of the former guerrillas.


On April 9, Santrich was captured in Bogotá, accused of drug trafficking crimes. after December 1, 2016, the date on which the peace agreement was signed, which would result in losing the benefits of transitional justice and being extradited. Prosecutor Néstor Humberto Martínez said that they had "abundant evidence of an agreement to export 10 tons of cocaine".

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