The security of the new passport – Government – Politics


On July 15, the new pbadport, considered by the authorities as impossible to falsify, will begin to be issued in the country and at Colombian consulates around the world.

The document complies with the standards of the International Organization of Civil Aeronautics, which regulates such documents and requires that pbadport security regulations be renewed every eight years.

One of the major changes, as explained by Foreign Minister María Ángela Holguín, is that the pbadport number is above fingerprints, but this can only be seen as # 39 to the naked eye.

"When the document goes through the scanner, it's when you can appreciate the safety features that it has," Holguin said.

The new document "is made with a high-relief printing system", considered one of the safest against counterfeiting because of its difficult reproduction.

The data page is made of 100% layers of polycarbonate melted one on the other, preventing their detachment; and the inner pages "are protected from any type of substitution", that is, new pages are included.

When the document pbades through the scanner is when you can appreciate the security features that it has

The high-level technology that handles the new pbadport allows it to be anti-scan and anti-photocopy, which means that only the technology of the immigration authorities can identify who corresponds to the pbadport.

Another element that makes the document difficult to forge is that it has a "fluorescent wire with reaction to a special device" that goes on the inside pages.

  Pbadport renewed

The document will be published from July 15

"In addition, the new pbadport shows a positive face of our country, so that every Colombian proudly presents this letter of introduction of Colombia in front of the world In each of its pages are represented landscapes that denote the effort to preserve our natural wealth and our cultural heritage ", explained the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On the inside pages you can see, among other things, the images of Caño Cristales, the Tatacoa Desert, the Las Lajas Sanctuary, Malpelo Island, Johnny Cay Islas and Tayrona

The Change does not imply that those who already have a mechanical or electronic pbadport must renew it immediately . They can do it when their current notebook loses its validity.

Those who are forced to make this change are those who took out their pbadport before 2011, that is to say one with its pink pages and color photo.


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