The shame felt by Santos for Cartagena does not go through the Garcia


During his last visit to the Caribbean as president, Juan Manuel Santos announced last week in Cartagena that he would not name another mayor responsible for La Heroica before leaving, but that he leave this task to the next government. because he's already "embarrbaded" to continue appointing managers in this city.

"It makes me feel ashamed.Do you know how many decrees I have signed during these seven years of mayors' appointment in Cartagena? 14, is a shame," Santos said.

Next, the local and national media republished their words, which referred to the institutional crisis suffered by Cartagena, which in 2018 added 10 leaders, including incumbents and managers, in eight years

What Santos – nobody has mentioned – is that, during his eight years in power, at least three times he appointed mayors in Cartagena who benefited politically from his friend's group, the ex-boyfriend. U senator sentenced for corruption, Juan José & Juancho & # 39; García Romero.

These movements helped to fatten and strengthen the clan that García and his wife (former Senator Piedad Zuccardi, in the parapolítica process) lead.

Exactly with this essence, this group led many of the mayors interviewed who led the city to debacle.

At this moment, Santos, in addition, consented to the couple García Zuccardi with positions in the Na government and his friendship with them is so close, that he attended sancochos and parrandas in his house in Cartagena.

The first example of this at La Herocia put the suitable people to their friends the Garcia is the Carlos Otero, director of the late ex-director

Santos appointed him in 2012, when the elected President Campo Elías Terán (now also deceased) fell ill and the administration fell into the interim.

As we told La Silla at the Garcia 13 of the 19 District Secretariats.

From that moment he recalled to Cartagena an episode in which was denounced that the exmandatario and the director of District Valorization, called Clara Calderón, also seen near the García, they were giving a good look at the public-private partnerships for millionaire projects in the city, at the last minute when Otero was about to leave his post because the president would take over ownership of Dionisio Vélez

At that time, the businessman of Cartagena, William Murra, publicly denounced that Clara Calderón had met Juancho García to "guide" this project. "In January, I went to visit Campo Elías in his apartment and I heard that his wife (Nereida de Terán) had received a call from Clara Calderón in which she had told him that she had met Juan José García to talk about the master plan of rainwater drainages ", were the words of Murra at that time.

The second example is that of the director of the Presidential Agency for International Cooperation, Sergio Londoño Zurek, commissioned by Santos from the Cartagena Administration for one year (from May 2017 to May 2018, with a interruption of one month), when the holder Manolo Duque was suspended and then imprisoned, who was supported by the Garcías and is still detained for alleged corruption.

As we said in La Silla Caribe, when the absence of Manolo was presented, Juancho García He moved to the presidency to entrust this mission to one of his allies.

Finally, Santos named Londoño, who was not a flea of ​​the Garcia, but rather a belly bishop of the chief executive.

Londoño, in fact, was the key to removing a major company from the District, which he as an agent (e) was part of his board of directors, a former official who had ships communicating and was seen as Juancho García: Alfredo Bula Dumar, former director of the urban development society of Bolívar Edurbe

But, also, almost at the time of Bula, that the mayor took to the cabinet an old ally of the house García Zuccardi: Clara Calderón, the former director of valorization of the district at the time of Campo Elías Terán, that she appointed secretary to the infrastructure.

Sergio Londoño badured us at the time that the appointment of Calderón had nothing to do with politics, but rather she did it because she considers it a brilliant professional.

However, this official is so linked to the Garcías, that she was not only her ticket in the governments of Campo Elías and Carlos Otero, but she was also a candidate for the Council with the ASI and the support of this clan.

And the third, and most recent example, is that of the current attorney, Yolanda Wong, appointed by the President last June, after the temporary suspension of the Qu holder in Guerra, in a process of applying for election nullity filed by the Attorney General.

The fifth interrogated, on whom the public prosecutor badures that he was disqualified when registering as a candidate, also arrived supported by the García House.

As we also have, the official version of the government is that Yolanda Wong, who became secretary of the office of Sergio Londoño, was recommended to the commission precisely by Londoño, who considers her a good official.

Wong has close ties with Juancho García

They became politically close in the administration of Manolo Duque, both supported, and this year the link was even more obvious when in the legislative elections of March 11, she preferred to vote for the son and political heir of Juancho al Senado (senator of La Andrés García Zuccardi) than by the outgoing senator Sandra Villadiego, wife of her former mentor: the ex-senator condemned by the parapolitic Miguel Rangel

When Santos named her, a source in Cartagena badured us: "Yolanda is not from the pocket of Juancho García, she has a weight, Sergio (Londoño) she names secretary for her weight and his work, but Juancho, who continues to control the mayor's office, considers her a solid ally. "

Since Santos asked the Conservative Party (which approved the fifth suspended war) that, as its right bythe law, presents a short list to pick a deputy from there, and announced that he would leave this task to the next government, the most likely thing is that Wong will come out now that the elected president Iván Duque will take power .

with Duque, the Garcias are still so lucky with the orders that embarrbad today Santos.

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