The signatures of Iván Duque: in this way the appointments of the new cabinet are advancing


This week, the first names of the elected president's government team were known. Mininterior, Minagricultura, Minhacienda and DNP are already confirmed. Minvivienda, Mindefensa and Minsalud would soon be ratified.

Above. Iván Duque Márquez, elected President of Colombia. / Down. Andrés Valencia Pinzón, new mine of arms; Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez, new mininterior; and Gloria Alonso, new director of the DNP. Archivo El Espectador

Since last Wednesday, two days before the end of the process of connection between the outgoing government and the incoming government, the president-elect Iván Duque Márquez began to confirm the names of those who will form

The first to be obtained in the new government was Alberto Carrasquilla, who will badume as finance minister, who had already pbaded through this portfolio during the term of Álvaro Uribe Velez Carrasquilla, in addition, coordinated splicing by Duque and is considered a security letter, especially for the business sector and for international markets.

However, the new minhacienda is not without questions because it was mentioned in the recent scandal of "Panama Papers", where, according to known documents of Mossak Fonseca, he was a shareholder of the company Panamanian Navemby Investments Group INC, in which it held 33%. 19659007] I appointed economist Andrés Valencia Pinzón to the post of Minister of Agriculture, who has extensive technical and management knowledge, and was president of @ FenaviColombia commercial director of @FedeCafeteros director of the ICA and negotiator at the WTO.

– Iván Duque (@IvanDuque) July 13, 2018

Duke continued this Friday with the revelation of several of the names that will make up his cabinet, confirming many of those who had already played in the previous weeks. Very early, he announced on his Twitter account the appointment to the Ministry of Agriculture of Andrés Valencia Pinzón current president of the National Federation of poultry farmers of Colombia (Fenavi), who had previously gone through the commercial management of the National Federation of Coffee Producers, the direction of the ACI and had negotiated with the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Later, the tour was for the former congressman Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez, Interior . "A woman who was trained, who comes from the deep Cundinamarca, made a pulse, who was president of the House of Representatives and Speaker of the Senate," said President-elect.

It is important for Colombian women to badume leadership positions. Colombia will have, for the first time, a Minister of the Interior, a woman who has been trained, made a pulse, was president of the House of Representatives and the Senate, that is Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez .

– Iván Duque (@IvanDuque) July 13, 2018

Gutiérrez, very close to Uribism, came to Congress in 1998. He was representative in the House for two periods and in 2006 made his jump to the Senate of the Republic, a society he was president in 2007 . He has been linked to several scandals in his political career: the first, when the Supreme Court of Justice opened a preliminary investigation against him for alleged links with paramilitary groups; the second, to use, so-called, his inauguration to the presidency of the Senate, to obtain information related to the then Congressman Piedad Córdoba, allegedly from the Administrative Department of Security Disappeared (DAS).

In fact, the Office of the Prosecutor However, in 2014, the Supreme Court of Justice admitted that there was no evidence to link him to the paramilitaries. In the second case, she was also acquitted. From there she was appointed president of the Association of Mobile Industry of Colombia (Asomóvil).

Duque also announced the appointment of Gloria Alonso Másmela to the National Planning Department (DNP) . Alonso was vice-counterpart and went through the Ministry of Finance when Óscar Iván Zuluaga and Juan Carlos Echeverry were in charge of this portfolio. In those years, she was director of macroeconomic policy

Two other names are currently being handled for the Duque cabinet: at the Ministry of Defense and at the Ministry of Health, although they do not have to. have not been confirmed. For the first mentioned Guillermo Botero Nieto President of the National Federation of Traders (Fenalco). And although this information has not been ratified by Duque – at least not publicly – he has already received criticism from former presidential candidate Gustavo Petro. "This appointed minister, representative of the generational transition and change, has completely excluded me from the election campaign from the debates he convened." "May I guarantee my safety and that of my family with him at the same time. head of a ministry that will become one of war? ", commented on Twitter

This minister appointed representative of the generational transition and change me completely excluded in the election campaign debates that he convened

Can I guarantee my safety and that of my family at the head of a ministry that will become that of the war?

– Gustavo Petro (@petrogustavo) 13 July 2018

Under the same conditions is the appointment of Juan Pablo Uribe Restrepo, current director of the Santa Fe Foundation of Bogotá, to the Ministry of Health. This has not been confirmed by the elected president, although sources close to Uribismo have said that it was a fact and that other means, such as the newspaper El Tiempo, indicated that the information was truthful. Before his speech at the Santa Fe Foundation in Bogotá, Uribe Restrepo went through the public sector to the Vice Ministry of Health and the National Directorate of Prevention and Promotion.

Rumors surrounding the "gabinetología" ] in the housing ministry would be the current vice president of Asobancaria, Jonathan Malagó n, economist of the National University and administrator from the London School of Economics, of England. Until now, Malagón would be the youngest face of a government cabinet that, according to Duque, would mean the renewal of the political exercise. In his resume also took a step in the Association of Financial Institutions (Anif), in Fedesarrollo, in the management of Compartel – MinTIC and at the head of economic studies at Telefonica Colombia.

Other names for the new cabinet, they will be announced next week, as Alicia Arango, at the Ministry of Culture, or Carlos Holmes Trujillo, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who accompanied him in Duque's international tour last week for the United States and Spain.

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