The Supreme Court ratifies the condemnation of the military for the massacre of El Salado | The Salado | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


It is 13 years in prison that must pay the captain of the naval corvette, Héctor Martín Pita Vásquez. This was stated by the Supreme Court of Justice, after ratifying the sentence against the army and stating that he did not deploy any military actions as commander of the "Company" Orca "to stop the action of paramilitaries in the El Salado mbadacre

criminal appeal confirmed that Pita and other officers of the 1st Marine Infantry Brigade" allowed the violent actions of paramilitary groups that took place for several days in the town of El Salado and surrounding areas, omitting their omission for this criminal purpose, stop acting in accordance with the constitutional mandate that forced them to thwart the injurious actions that were executed during that time. "

In the judgment, which ratifies the decisions of the Superior Court and the Single Criminal Court of Cartagena condemn the officer to 13 years in prison as an accomplice of Aggravated homicide, the Court reconstructed the mbadacre, which took place between 16 and 21 February 2000.

The Court reported as follows: "In the afternoon of 19 February and after having completed 38 people, paramilitary groups began their deployment through the Sierra Salado-vereda, Zambrano, Canutalito and El Balguero. Meanwhile, Captain Hector Pita, attached to the Marine Corps Counter-Guerrilla Battalion, in his capacity as Commander of the Orca Company, received orders for operations to move with his troops in the area and neutralize the action of the violent.

"The Orca Company arrived in El Salado at 18:00 on February 19, shortly after the departure of the paramilitary groups, however, it did not deploy any military action aimed at repressing them. action of the violent who crossed the rural areas surrounding the city, took the life of Euclides Torres Zabala, of Edgar Cohen Castillo, of Ornedis Cohen Sierra, of Eliseo Torres Sierra and d & # 39; Eduardo Torres Perez, murdered in different circumstances and places on February 21, with the omission of Captain Pita Vásquez, "says the decision.

The Court noted that it was clear that the breach of the captain's legal duty to "hinder the known results, insofar as it was within its functional scope to counter the actions deployed by the offenders. "

The Court rejected the argument concerning the omission of the persecution by the military troop commanded by Pita Vásquez. "This can not be justified by considerations such as" the bandits had more than an hour and a half of departure, "or that the military came to El Salado after traveling several kilometers, or that they were tired or, ultimately, that they did not have to follow the aggressors "across the mountains and dark roads", as his defense put it, Finally, the Court revalidated the testimony of Marine Alfonso Benítez Espitia, according to which there was a connivance between the military and paramilitary groups to carry out the actions in El Salado The Court also warned that the condition of humanity must radiate all the behaviors perpetrated in the development of this mbadacre.

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