The total eclipse of Luna will be the longest of this century (18:00) <DNA – Agencia Digital de Noticias Sud-Est


Oaxaca of Juárez, July 22nd. With a duration of one hour and 42 minutes, the total eclipse of the Moon of July 27th will be the longest phenomenon of its kind in the 21st century  Lunar eclipse

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth enters the path of sunlight that strikes the natural satellite, that is to say during the night the full moon disappears as the shadow of the Earth covers it.

This phenomenon does not happen every month, because the orbit of the Moon It is inclined with respect to the Sun-Earth, details the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canaries ( IAC).

Unlike solar eclipses, lunar ones are visible from any part of the world, once the Moon. However, it will be visible in its entirety from Africa, while Western Europe will only observe the second part of the phenomenon with the Moon beginning to dawn on the horizon Oriental.

South America, Asia, and Australia also they will have the chance to partially observe the astronomical phenomenon, explains the National Administration of Aeronautics and Space (NASA).

During the event, people will notice that the moon does not disappear from the sky. the view, while it acquires a reddish tone. The Earth's atmosphere, which extends 80 kilometers beyond the diameter of our planet, serves as a lens to divert sunlight.

At the same time, it filters its blue components and only lets in the red light that is reflected by the satellite. In this way, the Moon takes a coppery glow


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