The "toxic jam" by which they capture a mayor and investigate a senator | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


The Crown disclosed the results of the operation "toxic stuffing" (Phase I) which revealed a case of alleged bribery in Coldeportes' projects.

The accuser captured 8 people and copied copies to the Supreme Court to investigate the outgoing Senator Antonio Jose Correa, Citizen Option, who is leaving office in this warrant.

After the investigation into the management of so-called "indicative quotas", which survey takes more than a year, the Office of the Prosecutor says that it has been supported in nearly 50,000 registrations telephone, judicial follow-ups and hundreds of documents, it has been established that through this mechanism "resources have been allocated which have been diverted and not fully invested."

Mayor captured from El Peñón [19659005] Arling Arias, the mayor of El Peñón (south of Bolívar), was caught in the operation, and a revelation from the mayor was considered a "toxic jam". For investment projects these quotas only remain half in the region, you must pay 12% to the congressman, and an additional 30% are charged by the irregular armed groups of the region, "said the mayor

A field of more than 3 billion dollars
This is an agreement that was signed between Arias and Coldeportes, for the construction of a synthetic football field 11 in the neighborhood La Concepción According the evidence gathered by the investigators, the agreement was prioritized at Coldeportes because it is a "senator's quota." The evidence gathered would indicate that it is Senator Antonio Jose Correa, current second vice-president of the Senate of the Republic
The investigation shows that the mayor would be an official close to Senator Correa, who through the intermediary of a member of his labor unit the legislature, would have contacted the local president for get the signing of the agreement for $ 3 491 million for the construction of the sports arena. The officials allegedly obtained a "bribe" from this agreement.

"A network of corruption": Office of the Prosecutor

According to the Office of the Prosecutor, the counselor of the Legislative Labor Unit (UTL) of Senator Correa, Mariela Trujillo Buelvas, would have sought a Coldeportes official to develop the project designs, to promote the agreement in its initial phase. The Coldeportes official plagiarized the drawings submitted by another municipality, which would have nothing to do with the conditions and needs of El Peñón, and installed them in November 2016.

side, the mayor would have identified the contractor who would serve him as a signatory to the contract, who would have committed to pay a "bribe" equivalent to 12% of the agreement by the congressman and another percentage for the mayor.
In 2017, when it became apparent that the designs were not working a payment to the officials of Coldeportes to adjust the designs and make the project technically viable. Although the payment was made, the drawings have never been adjusted.

In November 2017 and seen the urgency to approve the projects before the coming into force of the guarantee law, an official of Coldeportes made the project feasible architectural, hydraulic, structural and electrical presumably false. This official would also have received money back and subsequently was appointed supervisor of the contract
In this way, although all rules of public contracts were ignored, the record was obtained before Coldeportes, to make it viable. Senator's indicative quota

In May 2018, the contract between the mayor of El Peñón and the El Peñón consortium was signed, the contractors knowing that the project still did not have the required plans.

The investigations determined that the payment of 12% for Congressman Correa would have been agreed on two points: 60% of the "coima" at the beginning of the administration and the remaining 40% at the time of the signing of the agreement.

It was also determined that the Mayor of El Peñón would have received at least fifty million pesos for management and that the officials of Coldeportes would have received ten million pesos to make the drawings of the project and four million pesos to adjust and make it viable.
All payments would have been made in cash.

Civil servants captured

for alleged acts of corruption are Arling Arias García, mayor of El Peñón, Bolivar; Mariela Trujillo Buelvas, advisor to Senator Antonio Correa; Gustavo Velandia Segura, head of Coldeportes, who made the project technically feasible; Jairo Ortega Chaparro, a Coldeportes official, who was paid to adjust the structural designs; Edwin Moreno Ruiz, a Coldeportes official who disclosed information on the feasibility of the project and took out and presented documents to achieve the agreement. Entrepreneurs, Carlos Sarabia Martelo, Vanessa Margarita Deyongh Yepes, later the intermediary of the entrepreneur; Carlos Hernán Rivera Lozano, a former Coldeportes official, who in turn had a company to offer mayors project projects and their consequent viability.

The imputations or crimes for these persons are: excessive interest in the conclusion of contracts; contract without respect of legal requirements; own corruption, ideological falsification in a public document; use of a private document and conspiracy to commit a crime, among others.

Number: 3,491

Million pesos were allocated for the contract with Coldeportes in which the prosecutor's office found several alleged irregularities.

The Arias sentence that sank it:

"In the indicative quota investment, the congressman must be paid 12%, and an additional 30% is billed by irregular armed groups in the region "

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