The United States did not reunite all children with their parents for "security reasons"


The US government said Thursday "security reasons" not to reunite 46 children under 5 years with their parents, after failing to meet the deadline set by the justice to reunify 103 children separated from their parents. their families on the border with Mexico.

"Our greatest priority is and will continue to be the safety and well-being of children. (…) Each step of the reunification process is necessary to protect them: eliminating one would increase the margin of Error, "said Chris Meekins, a senior official of the Department of Health, during a conference call.

Alex Azar and National Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, have stated that their "cautious" procedures prevented some children from being reunited with an "alleged killer", an adult "found guilty of maltreatment". "Or people who are not their biological parents."

President Donald Trump's administration had announced shortly before that it could reunite 57 children under five with their parents, who were "perfectly able" to meet their children.

Families who have been reunited this week were released from the Federal Guard, electronic watchbands were installed for them checks their whereabouts and was sentenced in court for their immigration process.

The Government indicated in its note that it had not been able to reunite 46 children with their parents because they had a "serious criminal record", were expelled

According to the 11 parents have "serious criminal records", including convictions for cruelty to children, kidnapping, murder, human smuggling, and domestic violence

. one of the parents is wanted for murder in Guatemala and another "has badually abused a girl".

In addition, seven of the adults who claimed the babies were not their biological parents, although the Department of Health did not want to determine if they were close relatives or d & # 39; other people.

What the Trump Government pointed out, is that among these seven adults, three admitted that they were not the biological parents before the DNA tests and four others maintained their position until the results of the tests were published.

On the other hand, one person falsified a birth certificate and another is treated for a contagious disease, for example. what was considered dangerous for his son to return to him, according to the executive.

The Ministry of Homeland Security also identified twelve parents who have already been deported, nine who are incarcerated for "other crimes", two who are found In the case of evicted persons, the head of the Office of Detention and Deportation, Matthew Albence, also present at the conference call, stressed that the United States "has no obligation" to reunite them with their children.

"If parents want children to return to their home country, we will provide it," said Albence, who said the reverse process will not happen.

According to their story, at the time of their deportation, they were asked if they wanted their children to accompany them and they declined the offer.

Shortly after the release of the data, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in English), which led the judicial battle for family reunification, criticized the fact that the government n & # 39; He did not respect the order of Federal Judge Dana Sabraw.

Sabraw decided at the end of June that the government should reunite these families and gave him 14 days to comply with the sentence in the case of children under 5, which expired Tuesday, and 30 days for those of more than that age.

In total, about 3,000 minors have been separated from their parents since last April, the White House decided to adopt a "zero tolerance" policy against immigrants illegally entering the country across the border with Mexico, leading to the incarceration of adults and the resulting separation of his children.

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