The war between criminal gangs worsens violence this year in Medellín – Medellín – Colombia


"While the majority is sleeping in Medellín, in Commune 13, clashes continue." The community is frightened because Orion's method is repeated: who protects the community? How are they guaranteed security? ? "

So it is that they are in San Javier, in the western part of the capital of Antioquia, denouncing and making visible their reality through social networks because they are in the same place. they claim that their demands to the authorities have not been met. Tuesday evening, in the district of Las Independencia, in the 13th commune, there was a shooting which, according to the inhabitants, lasted about two hours and a half.

"We have been shooting for almost three months every day, and in our case there are 40 deaths in this area during this time," said James Zuluaga, spokesman for the Human Rights Committee. man from this commune.

We have been shooting for almost three months almost every day. In our register there are 40 deaths in this sector during this time

Although the figure reported by Zuluaga is close to that of the Information System for Security and Coexistence (Sisc), it differs in time . For the Sisc, until July 3 this year there were 39 homicides in the commune 13, 17 more than those reported in the same period in 2017. There was an increase of 77 percent.

Faced with complaints from the community, the Deputy Commander of the Metropolitan Police of Aburrá Valley, Juan Carlos Rodríguez, said that until this year, in this region 661 people were captured, including 260 in May, when police intervention in this area of ​​the city began.

We are developing a comprehensive strategy against all criminal structures: "Bethany's", "The Tower", "The Coco", and "The Coco". and & # 39; The Agony & # 39;

"We will not deny that it is a difficult time, but we will not deny the results that we have obtained.We are developing a comprehensive strategy against all criminal structures: Bethany, The Tower, The Coco and The Agony, who intend to intimidate us and make us lose the space we have earned there Colonel Rodriguez

However, the social leaders and residents of the sector claim that violence has invaded their territory and that at eight o'clock in the evening, they are locked in their homes with the fear of going out into the street.

Zuluaga, meanwhile, adds that the members of the criminal structures of the region have decreed a kind of curfew in the district of Las Independencia I, indicating that after 22 hours "they do not respond

  Security in the commune 13 [19659012] The violent deaths increased in 10 of the 16 communes of the capital of Antioquia </p>
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Guillermo Ossa / EL TIEMPO

According to information from the CSIS, until July 3, there were 328 homicides in Medellín, or 29.6% of more than the 253 that occurred during the same period last year.

It is also reported that violent deaths have increased in 10 of the 16 communes of the capital of Antioquia.

In the Robledo area there are 36 homicides up to now in 2018, 7 more deaths than in 2017. In the Center, there are 59 murders and Altavista, is the area with the highest increase in the percentage of homicides, (188 percent) from 8 cases in 2017 to 23 for the current year

Colonel Rodríguez said that cases are mainly due to struggles internal criminal groups, situations of discomfort (111 captured leaders go), and the

However, for Lukas Jaramillo, director of the center of studies, Casa de las Estrategias, we saw over the time that current measures are "short term, and can generate more violence because they break the social fabric and institutional trust."


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