There could be life on the moon | Science


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Data was revealed by two researchers from the Washington State University in Washington DC According to them, the composition of the satellite could have two possibilities of surface habitability.

According to astrobiologist Dirk Schulze-Makuch and the professor of planetary sciences and astrobiology at the University of London Ian Crawford, there were conditions to support simpler life forms after the Moon formed from a debris disc 4 billion years ago

The same thing could happen in a peak while lunar volcanic activity occurred about 3.5 billion years ago. The lake of liquid water increases the probability of finding life on Mars

During both periods, the Moon issued large numbers of antitired water vapor gas from the inside, an effect known as degbading. This phenomenon on the lunar surface may have created a sufficiently dense surface and atmosphere.

"If liquid water and a significant atmosphere were present in the early moon for long periods of time, we believe that the lunar surface would have been less habitable provisionally," says Schulze-Makuch

The team of scientists found hundreds of millions of tons of ice water in the satellite between 2009 and 2010.

See also: The bumanguesa about the colonization of Mars

Microbes Traveling In Space

Another thesis of the researchers is that life on the moon could be triggered by a meteorite, like what arrived on earth

There is evidence of early life on Earth from fossilized cyanobacteria that have 3500 and 3800 million years ago, a period with constant impacts from and giant meteorites.

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