"There is a need for greater commitment on the part of society to take care of children": ICBF


Faced with the alleged killing of two children by his dad at dawn on Monday in Bogota, the institution 's director, Karen Abudinen, recalled that a month ago there was no one. red alert was declared by senior figures of violence

The ICBF issued an alert regarding the increase in the number of violence against minors in the country after the case of a father who murdered his children and committed suicide Monday morning. , in the city of Kennedy

The man who murdered his two sons in Bogota died

According to the director of the entity, Karen Abudinen, up here this year they reported 11,000 cases of violence against children and adolescents across the country, 73 acts a day, related to badual abuse and physical and psychological abuse.

Lea: Two children found dead in southern Bogotá

"We want the children of the program to zero to always have children under the age of six to 17. All ministries, with all mayors and the governors, and the most important is to place our children at the center of society. "

Read also: Bogotá, one of the cities with more infant violence

The red alert, considering the Increasing numbers, has been reported for a month and facts like this, according to Abudinen, recall "that Colombia is suffering from It is urgent that families, institutions and society as a whole should be able to do so". are more committed to taking care of and protecting children. "

With regard to the case that took place on Monday in Bogotá, the director of the ICBF informed June L & # 39: man who committed suicide had a conciliation hearing with the children's mother, in lacquer By mutual agreement, custody of the children has been entrusted to the father.

As it became known, the mother of both children resides in Spain, but these days he is in the country, so during the weekend he was with them and took them on Sunday afternoons at l & # 39; man.

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