There is still no approval for the dual instance for members of Congress to work


After the rejection of a trusteeship filed by suspended senator Álvaro Ashton, the Civil Chamber of the High Court explained that, while magistrates of the Trial Chambers are not in possession, the Criminal Chamber will continue to prosecute parliamentarians

. Álvaro Ashton has been sued for alleged ties to paramilitary groups. Archivo

The Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice has just made a key decision that affects the judicial processes that members of Congress face before the High Court. This is a tutelage filed by suspended Senator Álvaro Ashton, prosecuted for parapolítica, in which he requested that any proceedings against him be suspended because, for him, his case had to be investigated by the training rooms and first instance, created under what is now known as the dual instance, and not in the criminal chamber.

Ashton's petition sparked discussions in the corridors of the court. The Criminal Chamber, where there are currently investigations against congressmen and former congressmen on such sensitive issues as Odebrecht, the Toga cartel, links with paramilitary groups, among others, have insisted from the beginning continue there until they elect the new judges who will compose the new halls that created a constitutional reform that came into force at the beginning of this year.

(You might be interested: The tutelage of Alvaro Ashton heats up the dual-instance debate in the Supreme Court)

The Criminal Chamber has repeatedly explained that it was impossible to to launch the dual instance without appointing the persons designated to do so: the process progresses within the High Court and they have already elected two of the nine magistrates to be selected. This is Ramiro Alonso Marín Vásquez and Ariel Augusto Torres Rojas, who will be part of the Trial Chamber.

In the Civil Chamber, where there was lively debate for at least two weeks, there were magistrates who insisted that the reform of the dual jurisdiction came into effect and, therefore, should be applied immediately. As Ashton had planted under his tutelage, several groups insisted that the Criminal Chamber no longer had the jurisdiction to continue the process questioned the position of the Criminal Chamber to consider that An interpretation was forced and handing faculties that do not have.

(See: The algid debate in the Supreme Court for the case of Luis Alfredo Ramos)

As explained El Espectador in the past days, in the criminal chamber there was a deep boredom for The only possibility that their colleagues in the Civil Chamber overturn a decision that they consider sovereign. But it was not like that and, instead, "he left the safe continuity of Criminal Chamber investigations against members of Congress, while he enters to operate Special Instruction Room." ", explained the high court by his Twitter account. @CorteSupremaJ denied the tutelage with which Senator Álvaro Ashton tried to stop the process by # parapolitica . The sentence left the continuity of the Criminal Chamber's investigations against members of Congress during the entry into office of the special training room.

– Supreme Court of Jus (@CorteSupremaJ) July 4, 2018

Ashton was charged in the high court with committing the crime of conspiracy to commit a crime, in the modality of the promotion of groups outside the law. More specifically, for alleged links with the paramilitary group led by Edgar Ignacio Fierro Flórez, aka Don Antonio based on testimonies of former paramilitaries Don Antonio ; Mario Rafael Marenco Egea, aka Gordo and Johnny Acosta Garizábalo, aka 28 . In addition, is formally investigated by the placard of the toga and beforehand for a question of badual offenses with minors. Ashton, on the other hand, pleaded not guilty to all that he is accused of

(You might be interested: Álvaro Ashton, tried for parapolitics)

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