They capture the alleged leader of a narco organization sought for extradition by the United States.


José González, known as Pedro, allegedly established alliances with an illegal structure to obtain the drug that will then be transported by speedboat or fishing boat to Central America.

José González, said Pedro, is required to extradite Court of the State of Texas.

José González, known as Pedro alleged leader of a narcotics trafficking organization that sent cocaine, was captured in Cali in coordination with the DEA. in the United States through Panama and Costa Rica . (See also: United States formalizes the request for extradition of "Jesus Santrich")

According to the authorities, José González also allegedly established illegal alliances with a structure known as The Company ] in order to obtain large quantities of the alkaloid that was then transported by fast boats or fishing boats to Central America .

The authorities claim to have identified the roads that were used by Pedro ] who, apparently, also paid sums of money to transport the drugs to a specific point ]. From there, other boats, previously hired, were in charge of transporting cocaine. (We suggest: Alias ​​"Román", the narco who could not stop his extradition)

The police stated that Pedro gave notice to his partners in Panama and Costa Rica to receive and discharge the drug. The money he received for the sale of cocaine, according to the survey, entered the country by fake companies in Cali, since González used the facade of the cocaine business. a spare parts retailer to conceal its illicit activities . ] José González, explained the authorities, was captured while he was coming down from a vehicle that had as destination one of the commercial premises where, according to the inspections, frequently met with supposed merchants of this region of the country . (You might be interested: The Supreme Court says yes to the extradition of Horacio de Jesús Triana)

There he was warned of one of his capture and extradition requested by a court of Dallas, State of Texas, by the crime of conspiracy for drug trafficking . The capture of Pedro is added to that made in February 2017 of a supposed link of the organization known as Trompo a citizen of Costa Rica who would have been responsible for receiving the drug in his country.

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